
Market Logic Is Literally Killing Us
Historically, during national emergencies like World War II, the U.S. government subordinated business interests to the public good. Why can't it do so in the Covid-19 crisis?
Rick Perlstein
9 Statistics That Show What a Miserable Failure the CARES Act Is
Major bailouts went to big corporations, giving them lasting security, while the rest of us got a temporary Band-Aid.
Dayton Martindale
Beware of Police “Reforms” That Reinforce the Very System Killing Us
We can’t fix the problem by investing more resources in police. We must defund and disband.
Janaé Bonsu
Another Political Revolution in New York? Insurgent Jamaal Bowman Now Has Bernie and AOC on His Side
Bowman, a progressive insurgent, is gaining steam in his primary challenge to Democratic incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel. And now he has both Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders behind him.
Nick Vachon
Labor Must Be Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist
A conversation with Kooper Caraway, President of the Sioux Falls AFL-CIO and Labor Rep for AFSCME Council 65.
Maximillian Alvarez
Tear Gas and Pepper Spray Can Be Deadly, But the U.S. Won’t Regulate Police Use
Despite widespread use, chemical agents sold for police purposes aren't monitored by any federal agency.
Terry J. Allen
Texas Covid-19 Massacre
In the face of coronavirus, the nation's largest prison system refused to release prisoners or take recommended health precautions.
Marie Gottschalk
The National Guard Crushes Protests Just Like the Military Does
Democratic mayors and governors who oppose Trump's threat to send in the military should take their own advice and end National Guard deployments.
Sarah Lazare
In Minneapolis, Cops Were Kicked Out of Schools. Cities in 7 Other States Could Soon Follow Suit.
Activists around the country are rallying for #PoliceFreeSchools.
Indigo Olivier
Tear Gas Is Banned in International Warfare––Why Are Police Using It On U.S. Civilians?
Police say they're using tear gas to clear crowds, but the chemical agent's effects can cause long-term physical damage.
Janea Wilson
Democratic Leaders’ Shamefully Tepid Response to Trump’s Threat of Military Crackdown on Protests
As Trump escalates his war on Black people, Democratic leadership offers mealy-mouthed platitudes.
Sarah Lazare and Adam Johnson
How to Make the Left More Attractive
A conversation with author and journalist, Michael Brooks.
Maximillian Alvarez
Amid Minneapolis Uprising, Anti-War Veterans Call On National Guard to Stand Down
"We urge you to have the courage to do the right thing. Refuse activation orders."
Sarah Lazare
There’s Room for Solidarity Between the Working Class and Progressive Professionals
Max and his brother Zak talk about meritocracy, work in the corporate world, and that feeling in your gut that most of what you do is pointless.
Maximillian Alvarez
Corporate Lawsuits Could Devastate Poor Countries Grappling with Covid-19
Wealthy corporations may use trade courts to keep public health measures from cutting into their profits.
Manuel Pérez-Rocha
Fired from Dollar General for Speaking Out About Unsafe Conditions
A conversation with Daniel Stone, a former employee of Dollar General in Nashville
Maximillian Alvarez
Workers Fight for Their Lives
The spontaneous rebellion of low-wage workers exposed to Covid-19.
Michelle Chen
Covid-19 Profiteers Are Making a Killing
Here are some of the most outrageous capitalist responses to the pandemic.
Amber Colón Núñez
Asian-American Groups Demand Biden Take Down His ‘Anti-China’ Ad
Progressive organizations condemn Biden for contributing to a climate of anti-Asian racism and belligerence.
Sarah Lazare
Want a Real Election This Fall? Enact Vote-by-Mail.
Mail-in voting could be crucial to a safe and fair election this fall.
In These Times Editors
Trump Administration Quietly Adds Foreign Arms Sale to List of “Essential Work”
Some defense workers say their lives shouldn't be risked to make weapons.
Taylor Barnes
Perry Rosenstein: Building a Foundation for Art and Social Justice
As president and founder of the Puffin Foundation, Rosenstein nourished independent journalism.
Joel Bleifuss
How to Unionize During Covid-19
Aminah Sheikh, a labor organizer with Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, talks about how to mobilize workers in the midst of a pandemic.
Maximillian Alvarez
Time for Progressives to Seize the Means of Production of House Relief Bills
Pelosi’s bill proves Democratic leadership won’t do what needs to be done.
Hamilton Nolan
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