
How Chicago’s Police Union Contract Ensures Abuses Remain in the Shadows
Activists are calling on the city to represent victims of police violence in upcoming contract negotiations.
Adeshina Emmanuel
At Angola Prison, Getting Sick Can Be a Death Sentence
A 6-month investigation into the largest maximum-security state prison in the country.
Katie Rose Quandt and James Ridgeway
Native Americans Are Being Killed by Police at a Higher Rate Than Any Other Group
These deaths are rarely covered in the media, but now, Native groups are organizing for justice in a growing Native Lives Matter movement.
Stephanie Woodard
The Secret History of Superdelegates
In July, 712 Democratic officials will decide the nomination—just as the party planned it.
Branko Marcetic
U.S. Prisons and Jails Are Threatening the Lives of Pregnant Women and Babies
Our 6-month investigation reveals the horrific and shameful conditions facing pregnant prisoners—and the inhumane treatment they receive.
Victoria Law
Exposing the Myth of New Orleans Charter School ‘Miracle,’ 10 Years After Katrina
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Real War on Families: Why the U.S. Needs Paid Leave Now
Investigation reveals the devastating effects of the lack of paid family leave: Our data show nearly 1 in 4 employed mothers return to work within two weeks of childbirth.
Sharon Lerner
Fracking the Poor
A 5-month investigation reveals that fracking operations in California are disproportionately concentrated in poor communities of color—and may be causing alarming health effects.
Hannah Guzik
The Missing Native Vote
Nearly 50 years after the Voting Rights Act, American Indians still don't have equal access to the ballot box.
Stephanie Woodard
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