
Trump Admin Furloughed 4,000 Korean Workers In the Midst of a Pandemic To Punish South Korea
Kap Seol
McDonald’s Workers Charge Grotesque Sexual Harassment in New $500 Million Lawsuit
Hamilton Nolan
The Democrats’ Timid COVID-19 Response Does Not Bode Well for the Climate
The Democrats want us to believe they'll act fast on climate if in power, but they've proven themselves slow in a crisis.
Sarah Lazare and Adam Johnson
Black Women’s Livelihoods Will Be Yet Another Coronavirus Casualty
For many reasons, Black women are particularly hurt by the virus's economic toll.
Chandra Thomas Whitfield
Rural America
The Pandemic Could Hit New Farmers Hard, Just When We Need Them Most
Tamara J. Benjamin
We Need the Labor Movement To Organize Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19 Crisis
Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker and Gene Elk
Rural America
As the Pandemic Shakes Commodity Markets, Battered Ecosystems Get an Eerie Reprieve
Ashoka Mukpo
What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the Heyday of American Communism
A 43-year-old classic text of Communist history has been rereleased this month. Young democratic socialists should dig in.
Micah Uetricht
The Last Stimulus Ignored Climate. Activists Are Determined That Won’t Happen in the Next One.
Bruised from the CARES Act, environmental organizations are planning next steps.
Rachel M. Cohen
Letter to the Editor Regarding Chris Brooks’ April 8 Article
Rory Gamble
Astra Taylor: Bernie Sanders’ Exit Is an Indictment of Our Broken System—Not His Campaign
Voter suppression was stronger than Bernie Sanders' voter turnout plan. And the pandemic has made things worse.
Astra Taylor
Joe Biden’s Cowardly Position on Iran Sanctions
The presumptive Democratic nominee is failing to call for sanctions to be lifted, even if just for the duration of the pandemic.
Sarah Lazare
As a Domestic Violence Survivor, I Don’t Always Feel Safer at Home
Shelter in place orders can remind those of us with C-PTSD of past times we were trapped.
Anna Joy Springer
The Future Belongs to the Movement Sparked by Bernie Sanders
By advancing a bold left agenda and putting capitalism on trial, Sanders ignited a movement that will redefine American politics.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Why Alaska Native Villages Were Quick To Self-Isolate
Scarred by a legacy of colonial diseases, Alaska tribes quickly cut off the outside world.
Yereth Rosen
Bernie Sanders Started the Revolution. The Rest Is Up to Us.
Sanders has laid a path to take on corporate power and win democratic socialism.
Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht
A Scholar of Pandemics and Inequality Peers Into America’s Future
If the financial downturn proves to be intractable, "all bets are off," says scholar Walter Scheidel.
Hamilton Nolan
Time to Redirect the Military Budget to Public Health
America's addiction to war, by the numbers.
Indigo Olivier
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