
With Chicago Tired of “Mayor 1%,” Chuy García Could Actually Win His Runoff with Rahm Emanuel
While money poured into the recent mayoral and aldermanic elections, voters showed that they are tired of business as usual.
Kari Lydersen
Progressives Had a Pretty Great Night in Chicago’s Elections
Yana Kunichoff
In Mayoral Runoff, Rahm Emanuel’s Corrupt Governance Has Finally Caught Up With Him
It's become increasingly clear to Chicagoans that Rahm Emanuel is out for himself and his rich friends, not for us.
Rick Perlstein
Politico Carries Water for Bill O’Reilly—and His Bosses
O'Reilly's claim that he was in a war zone was just an 'embellishment,' Dylan Byers assures us.
Jim Naureckas
Richard Trumka: AFL-CIO Will Make Raising Wages for All Workers a Priority
David Moberg
A Few Good Lies
Matt Bors
Captive Nation: Dan Berger on Black Prison Organizing and Mass Incarceration
George Lavender
New England Workers Win Longest Telecom Strike in Decades
Julia Kann
Chicago Charter School Teachers Demand a Union
Arielle Zionts
Columbia College Faculty Vote to Disaffiliate from National Education Association
Kevin Solari
Why Rahm Emanuel Has Been a Disaster for Chicago
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Chomsky, Lears and Elia Debate Whether an Academic Boycott of Israel Can Work
Is the tactic the best way to pressure Israel?
Joel Bleifuss
What’s Up with the Koch Brothers and Criminal Justice Reform?
George Lavender
Who’s Afraid of Chicago’s Progressive Aldermen? Rahm Emanuel, That’s Who.
The Chicago mayor's super PAC has spent large amounts of money to protect his allies on City Council—and take down those who oppose him.
Yana Kunichoff
Protest Over Medical Services Sparks Prisoner Uprising At Controversial Private Prison in Texas
George Lavender
Do Chicago’s Mayoral Candidates Care About Queer and Trans Chicagoans?
Only one candidate has staked out a strong position in favor of LGBTQ rights—and it isn't Rahm Emanuel.
H. Melt
Union, Environmental Group Say Dozens of Nuclear Workers Suffering from Toxic Materials Exposure
Elizabeth Grossman
As Germany Stands Firm Against Attempts to Scale Back Austerity in Greece, What’s Next for Syriza?
Germany's unwillingness to budge on the strict cuts demanded of Greece are bad news for rolling back austerity throughout the rest of Europe.
Alexandros Orphanides
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