June 2020 Volume 44, Issue 06

June 2020
Class Traitors, Welcome to the Revolution
Maximillian Alvarez
Black Voters Are Ready. Are We?
Phillip Agnew
Want to Push Biden Left? Focus on These Appointments.
Eleanor Eagan
Workers Fight for Their Lives
Michelle Chen
Want a Real Election This Fall? Enact Vote-by-Mail.
In These Times Editors
10 Signs That Prove Big Pharma Could Care Less About Your Health
Dayton Martindale
Black Women’s Livelihoods Will Be Yet Another Coronavirus Casualty
Chandra Thomas Whitfield
The Language of Extinction
Holly Haworth
SARS Lessons Lost
Indigo Olivier

The Language of Extinction
When wildfires destroy habitats, more than species are lost.
Holly Haworth

Class Traitors, Welcome to the Revolution
Many liberal professionals who supported Elizabeth Warren took their votes to Joe Biden, not Bernie Sanders. But they may still join a future left electoral coalition if they can face their own precarity.
Maximillian Alvarez

Black Voters Are Ready. Are We?
Bernie lost with Black voters, but the Left will win if we commit to deep organizing work to earn their trust.
Phillip Agnew

To Win Elections, Should the Left Be Nicer on the Internet?
There are signs that antagonistic Bernie supporters may have discouraged coalition-building with winnable Warren voters.
Zeeshan Aleem

SARS Lessons Lost
What the United States should have learned from SARS—and blatantly ignored.
Indigo Olivier

Look at How Much Sense It Makes to Do the Green New Deal Right Now
We can get out of this depression and save the planet all at once.
Sarah Lazare

Union Teachers Are Donating Their Stimulus Checks to the Undocumented
Undocumented workers are excluded from unemployment protections and stimulus checks, but not from union solidarity.
Brooke Anderson

“An Essential Procedure”: How Abortion Providers Are Persevering Through the Pandemic
In the face of Covid-19, clinics are continuing to provide safe abortions at a safe distance.
Jessica Corbett

Want to Push Biden Left? Focus on These Appointments.
Appointments will have a major impact on whether a potential Biden administration delivers on progressive policies. Here's what the Left should push for now.
Eleanor Eagan

David Sirota: The Democratic Party’s Tyranny of Decorum Helped Sink Bernie
Sanders could have gone harder against Biden, but ultimately it was the establishment that stood in his way.
David Sirota

Astra Taylor: Bernie Sanders’ Exit Is an Indictment of Our Broken System—Not His Campaign
Voter suppression was stronger than Bernie Sanders' voter turnout plan. And the pandemic has made things worse.
Astra Taylor
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