
Don’t Believe the Debt Hawks—More Stimulus Is the Only Path to Recovery
Fear-mongering over the deficit is the absolute wrong approach to the Covid-19 crisis.
Josh Bivens
The Real Reason Why the WHO Waited Until March to Declare a Global Pandemic
The 2005 regulations pushed on the World Health Organization by the United States and the Europeans hampered the WHO’s ability to declare an emergency and a pandemic.
Vijay Prashad
Tired of Fighting About Third Parties? Just Enact Ranked Choice Voting.
Rather than scolding voters for wanting more options, we should put in place a more representative system.
Rob Richie and David Daley
Fake Meat Is All the Rage—And It Can Help Us Fight Climate Change
A case for the Impossible: the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Dayton Martindale
Impossible Burgers Won’t Save the Environment—They’re Just a Greenwashing Trend
High-tech fake meat giants are more interested in making a quick buck than mitigating climate change.
Alicia Kennedy
Capitalism Is Failing Its Coronavirus Stress Test—Only Workers Can Turn Things Around
Corporations will only do the right thing if we make them.
Labor leaders
Want to Push Biden Left? Focus on These Appointments.
Appointments will have a major impact on whether a potential Biden administration delivers on progressive policies. Here's what the Left should push for now.
Eleanor Eagan
David Sirota: The Democratic Party’s Tyranny of Decorum Helped Sink Bernie
Sanders could have gone harder against Biden, but ultimately it was the establishment that stood in his way.
David Sirota
Corporations Are Not Letting This Crisis Go to Waste
As the pandemic wreaks chaos, corporations and the GOP are following the shock doctrine playbook.
Jeremy Mohler
This Is a Health Crisis—Stop Treating It Like a War
Even by his standards, Trump is a terrible wartime president
Joel Bleifuss
What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the Heyday of American Communism
A 43-year-old classic text of Communist history has been rereleased this month. Young democratic socialists should dig in.
Micah Uetricht
Letter to the Editor Regarding Chris Brooks’ April 8 Article
Rory Gamble
Astra Taylor: Bernie Sanders’ Exit Is an Indictment of Our Broken System—Not His Campaign
Voter suppression was stronger than Bernie Sanders' voter turnout plan. And the pandemic has made things worse.
Astra Taylor
The Future Belongs to the Movement Sparked by Bernie Sanders
By advancing a bold left agenda and putting capitalism on trial, Sanders ignited a movement that will redefine American politics.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
These Billionaires Are Hoarding Wealth While Denying Workers Paid Sick Leave
In the midst of a deadly pandemic, the CEOs and families in control of our largest companies are living lavishly while denying their workers basic benefits.
Munira Lokhandwala and Derek Seidman
What’s Joe Biden’s Response to Coronavirus? Even He Doesn’t Seem Sure.
Biden's coronavirus response plan doesn't just fall short—it also doesn't match what he's been telling the public.
Branko Marcetic
The Coronavirus Crisis Is Disaster Capitalism In Action. Here’s How the Left Can Respond.
Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor offer strategies for resistance and collective action in a time of social distancing.
Amber Colón Núñez
Nationalize Amazon
Dealing with the coronavirus pandemic demands a novel solution: placing the e-commerce giant under public control.
Paris Marx
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