
This Small City Is Proving That Left-Wing Ideas Can Triumph at the Ballot Box
Socialists just helped pass a slate of progressive ballot measures in Portland, Maine—signaling that voters are hungry for bold policies that favor the working class.
Meaghan LaSala
Bernie Sanders Is Actively Running for Labor Secretary
Coy before the election, the Vermont Senator is now rallying support to join the Biden administration cabinet
Hamilton Nolan
Power Comes From Class War, Not Biden
The Left needs workers more than it needs the Democratic Party.
Hamilton Nolan
Keep Rahm Emanuel As Far Away As Possible From the Biden Administration
Neoliberal architect Rahm Emanuel is reportedly being considered for a top spot in Biden’s cabinet. That idea needs to be immediately thrown in the trash.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Great American Election Catharsis Party
In Philly, MAGA dreams meet mathematical realities.
Hamilton Nolan
What Democrats Should Learn From the Spate of Socialist Wins on Election Day
It's not enough to be anti-Trump. Socialists are showing you can win elections by standing for something.
Mindy Isser
Everyone Needs to Be More Furious Right Now
Trump and gangster Republicans are now very openly trying to steal a presidential election.
Hamilton Nolan
Things We Already Know
On Election Day, remember that America has already shown us who it is.
Hamilton Nolan
How Our Politics Came Undone
Under Trump, our notion of shared truth has been shattered. In its place, monsters have swarmed.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Left-Wing Groups Are Filling the Void Left By an "Invisible" Biden Campaign in Michigan
If Joe Biden wins Michigan, he’ll have these independent, grassroots groups to thank.
Eli Day
Trump and the Rotting Core of America
An interview with labor reporter Hamilton Nolan.
Maximillian Alvarez
Trump’s Calls for Voter Intimidation Are Already Being Heeded. Here’s How to Respond.
We could see a deluge of Trump-sponsored voter intimidation on Election Day. Protecting our democracy requires stopping it in its tracks.
Jeff Schuhrke
Don’t Be Fooled: Billionaires Are Fighting the Fair Tax Because They Don’t Want to Pay Up
The Illinois Fair Tax proposal would benefit the working class, communities of color and women by finally taxing the super-rich. That’s why wealthy people are trying to kill it.
Amisha Patel
Everyone Loves Our Mass National Hypnosis
After the final Trump-Biden debate, we only get one more chance to snap out of it.
Hamilton Nolan
Shahid Buttar Wants to Take Back San Francisco For the Left
The underdog candidate running against Nancy Pelosi says the House Speaker is rich, entitled and out of touch.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Boost Unions’ Power? Sectoral Bargaining.
Industry-wide bargaining could decrease inequality and improve livelihoods for unionized workers.
In These Times Editors
How Can We Rebuild Working-Class Politics? Let’s Go to “Strike School.”
In an interview, longtime organizer Jane McAlevey explains how unions and the Left across the globe have the power to defeat the billionaires—if we engage in concerted, collective action.
Eric Blanc
The Disenfranchised Voters No One Is Talking About: Residents of U.S. Colonies
Hundreds of thousands in Guam and across the U.S. territories will be unable to cast a ballot this November. It’s a stark reminder of America’s brutal colonial legacy.
Tiara R. Na'puti
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