
The Latest Perversion of Martin Luther King Jr.? Invoking His Legacy to Defend Means-Testing.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a committed democratic socialist. If you want to honor his legacy, join the fight for universal social programs.
Eli Day
Is Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez the Future of Texas?
The Latina labor organizer out to unseat GOP heavyweight Sen. John Cornyn.
Steven Greenhouse
Yes, Joe Biden Has Long Pushed Cuts to Social Security. End of Story.
Bernie Sanders is right to call out Biden’s objectionable record on cutting Social Security—no matter what Paul Krugman says.
Max B. Sawicky
Amy Klobuchar Says She Wants to Protect Obamacare—But Has Worked to Undermine It
Klobuchar has sold herself as a pragmatist who will expand healthcare while being “fiscally responsible.” But her record is one of siding with big business.
Branko Marcetic
In His Lies, Joe Biden Is Sounding a Lot Like Trump
While Joe Biden has promised a break from Trumpism, when it comes to his record, the former vice president has shown an utter disregard for the truth.
Branko Marcetic
In Iowa, Rashida Tlaib and the Sunrise Movement Push the Green New Deal—and Bernie Sanders
Ahead of the critical Iowa caucus, climate organizers are stumping for bold action and a presidential candidate they believe will get it done.
David Goodner
We Need Sanders and Warren to Cooperate in the Primary
The real fight is for progressive power in the Democratic Party.
Julian Brave NoiseCat
Top Democrats Say They Support the Iran Deal—But Here’s How They’ve Undermined It
How imperial arrogance and veiled racism damned Obama’s signature achievement.
Kumars Salehi and Roqayah Chamseddine
A Primary Is a Competition. Bernie Should Play To Win.
There's no need to hedge our bets.
Carl Beijer
We Need a Strong Anti-War Movement—Yesterday
As we spiral toward a confrontation between the U.S. and Iran, it’s worth reflecting on the failures to rein in U.S. aggression along the way.
Khury Petersen-Smith
Why Bernie Can’t Be Organizer-In-Chief
Movements, not candidates, should drive progressive agendas.
Brian Tokar
Warren’s an Ally. We Need a Leader.
Elizabeth Warren isn’t the president we need in this moment.
Rachel Gilmer
The 2020s Has To Be the Decade We Stop Climate Change—Not Start Another War
We can't let Trump's belligerence undermine the climate fight of our lives.
Sarah Lazare
Imagine Elizabeth Warren as President. Now Imagine Bernie Sanders.
We asked their supporters to really think through what a progressive president could—and couldn't—do.
Jessica Stites
What an Elizabeth Warren Presidency Would Look Like
Warren is a “visionary implementer.”
Kathleen Geier
What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like
The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.”
Daniel Denvir
To Stop Trump’s War with Iran, We Must Also Confront the Democrats Who Laid the Groundwork
Democratic leaders are feigning outrage, but they've supported the precursors to war.
Sarah Lazare and Michael Arria
The Decade That Put Capitalism On Trial
How the 2008 financial crisis kicked off a new age of dissent
Astra Taylor
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