
The Other Democratic Socialist From Brooklyn
Community organizer Debbie Medina is running for state Senate on an anti-gentrification platform.
Haley Markbreiter
Bill Moyers: Economic Inequality Is a Threat to the Very Core of Our Democracy
Plutocracy and democracy cannot coexist.
Bill Moyers
The GOP Wants To Blame Black Misery on Democratic Mayors. Here’s Why That’s Wrong.
It is intellectually dishonest to imply that state and federal policies do not play an outsize role in the condition of urban black communities.
James Thindwa
BREAKING: Obama Administration Steps In to Halt Dakota Access Pipeline—For Now
After months of protest by Native tribes, the federal government has issued an order to stop the pipeline, reversing a judge's ruling made earlier in the day.
Kate Aronoff
Using Elections to Rage Against—And Reform—the Democratic Machine
The authors of a new book talk about how progressives can win elections in the 21st century.
Theo Anderson
A Guided Tour of the Racist, Crypto-Fascist “Alt-Right” By Breitbart News
Making sense of the far-right Breitbart News' exploration of conservative alternatives and their many deviations.
Jim Naureckas
Hillary: Here’s a Stake, Find Neoliberalism’s Heart
We need Clinton to take up Bernie Sanders' progressive charge and end the long reign of market fundamentalism.
Susan J. Douglas
The National Security “Experts” Denouncing Trump Are a Who’s Who of Disastrous Neocons
The enemies of my enemy may be war criminals.
Rebecca Gordon
How Hillary Clinton and “American Power” Paved the Way for Shocking Violence in Honduras
A recent op-ed fails to acknowledge the relationship between U.S. support for a coup and the Honduran murder rate.
Jim Naureckas
“The fix is in”: How the Blair Government Helped U.K. Companies Profit From the Iraq War
Declassified documents from the lead-up to war show oil, gas and other corporations scrambling to capitalize on Iraq.
Branko Marcetic
The Media Could Still Help Elect Trump
Trump can't reboot his campaign unless the press reboots it for him.
Neal Gabler
The Black Political Establishment Should Never Have Given Hillary Clinton a Blank Check
The Sanders campaign was an opportunity to put pressure on Clinton, but instead the neoliberal Black elite backed her unconditionally.
James Thindwa
Why Bernie Sanders Lost, and How the Next Progressive Challenger Can Win
Lessons from a campaign that outperformed expectations but still came up short.
Christopher Hass
Bernie Sanders’ Delegates Speak Out About Convention: “They Painted Us As Crazy”
Will the Democratic Party embrace its insurgent wing?
Kate Aronoff
An Inside-Outside Strategy For the Political Revolution
Raucous protests and down-ballot Democrats can beat the Bernie-or-bust blues.
Joel Bleifuss
The Two Faces of Obama’s Immigration Policy
The relief that never happened and the raids that did.
Annie Hylton
Crowd Reactions at the Democratic Convention Point To a Coming Party Realignment
As Democrats scramble to unify a divergent party under one roof, there’s a new kind of unity on the horizon.
Kate Aronoff
At the DNC, Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Shack Up With the Fourth Estate
Corporations, politicians and the media get cozy in Philadelphia—and face pushback.
Kate Aronoff
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