
Pulling the Plug on Corporate Personhood
Citizens United prompted cries for a constitutional amendment. But how to amend?
Rob Richie
The Black-Brown Alliance That’s Turning Kansas Blue
Why is Pat Roberts running for his life in the Kochs' home state? Ask community organizers.
Sam Ross-Brown
Karen Lewis Has Already Redefined Chicago Politics
She's out of the race, but the movement continues to build.
James Thindwa
Big Brother Is Watching You—Through Your Metadata
Your personal information may seem to be anonymous, but it isn't.
David Sirota
Jesse Jackson Keeps Pushing
30 years after his first presidential run, Jackson talks Obama, Civil Rights and the black vote.
Joel Bleifuss
Abortion Isn’t a Necessary Evil. It’s Great
Progressives should admit it: We like abortion.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Noam Chomsky: Only One Thing Will Make Israel Change Course
Israel's brutalization of Palestinians through exercises like "mowing the lawn" will persist without a change in U.S. policy.
Noam Chomsky
Jon Burge, Torturer of Over 100 Black Men, Is Out of Prison After Less Than Four Years
Chicago's notorious former police commander is released from prison. A human rights lawyer representing police torture victims responds.
Flint Taylor
White Politicians Still Run the Show in Heavily-Black Towns
Large numbers of African Americans are moving into towns and suburbs, yet their representation in the political system remains weak.
Terrell Jermaine Starr, Alternet
7 Politicians Who Are Actually Talking About Inequality
A few lone voices in Congress are putting economic populism front and center.
David Moberg
It’s the Inequality, Stupid
How to frame the 'defining challenge of our time.'
David Moberg
Failing the Midterms
The Democrats can't win by cutting class.
Chris Lehmann
Hedge Funds: Fantastic for Wall Street, Horrible for Your Pension
Private equity and hedge funds constantly lose money. So why are taxpayers' money being poured into them?
David Sirota
Senate Republicans Unanimously Oppose Ending One Percenters’ Control of Elections
The GOP says yet again that control of our political system by the ultra-rich is just fine, thank you.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Why Vote in 2014
As Ferguson shows, people need a reason to think their vote matters. Here's one.
Joel Bleifuss
From Watts to Ferguson
The riot is still 'the language of the unheard.'
Rick Perlstein
Scotland: Why One Londoner Is Relieved
It's lucky for U.K. progressives that the Scots didn't secede.
Jane Miller
Is Obama Going Easy On Banks That Break the Law?
Credit Suisse employees have donated more than $376,000 to President Obama—is he repaying the favor?
David Sirota
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