
Beefing Up Border Security Is Not a Magical Solution for Immigration Policy
Former Mexican President Felipe Calderón says American political groups opposed to undocumented immigration are actually encouraging immigrants in the U.S. to stay.
David Sirota
It Wasn’t About Oil, and It Wasn’t About the Free Market: Why We Invaded Iraq
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad's new book not only interrogates the motivations behind the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but also reveals a cautionary tale for the present.
Danny Postel
Parameters of Respectability
Syriza makes U.S. media elites uncomfortable.
Joel Bleifuss
Hey Brian Williams: You’ve Got a Couple Other Lies You Should Probably Apologize For
Now that the NBC anchor has cleared up the lies about his helicopter in Iraq, there are some other tall tales that he might want to take back.
Jim Naureckas
EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Comcast Ghostwrote Pro-TWC Merger Letters of Support for Hawaii Governor
New records reveal that the cable giant wrote a lobbying letter signed by the Aloha State's head.
Spencer Woodman
The Barriers to Black-Brown Unity
Can Chicago's black and brown communities come together to elect a new mayor?
Salim Muwakkil
Robert Reich: Without Reeling In Wall Street, the Middle Class Is Doomed
It’s nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But to be credible, candidates must take clear aim at Wall Street.
Robert Reich
Rahm Emanuel Is a Union-buster. So Why Are Chicago Unions Backing Him?
Most of the city's labor movement is laying low or supporting the mayor in the upcoming election, despite his well-known anti-worker policies.
David Moberg
On Jonathan Chait, ‘Politically Correct’ Speech and the Social Media Left
Progressive social media activism can be absurd and self-defeating, but it shouldn’t be a tool for smug liberals to dismiss radical critiques.
David Sessions
With Syriza’s Victory, the Anti-Austerity Movement is Going Mainstream
Big business and centrist and right-wing parties throughout the world have called Syriza "dangerous." Well, maybe it's time to get dangerous.
Kate Aronoff
Along Arizona’s ‘Palestine-Mexico Border,’ Security Companies Are Making a Killing
The U.S. borderlands are becoming a vast open-air laboratory for tech companies where almost any form of surveillance and security technology can be developed and tested.
Todd Miller and Gabriel Schivone
All the Chicago Mayoral Candidates Are Getting It Wrong: We Don’t Need More Cops
The only real solution to reducing violence is reducing inequality.
Andy Thayer
Big Tax Bills for the Poor, Tiny Ones for the Rich
Regressive state and local tax policies don’t just harm the poor—they harm entire economies.
David Sirota
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Christian Radical—And Saint
King’s treatment in the media shows the degree to which, in the American mind, Christianity has been completely stripped of any radicalism.
Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig
Community College in the Crosshairs
Even as Obama is calling for free community college, California's landmark system is under attack by accreditors allied with ALEC and for-profit schools.
Rebecca Burns
How To Sell Off a City
Welcome to Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago, the privatized metropolis of the future.
Rick Perlstein
Should Rahm Emanuel Be Exempt From Ethics Laws?
Executives at firms managing Chicago pension money have made more than $600,000 in donations to the mayor, despite a city ordinance—and an executive order by Emanuel himself—restricting contributions from city contractors.
David Sirota
Sen. Lindsey Graham Attempts to Exploit Fear After Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attacks
The South Carolina senator's charge that President Obama is to blame for terrorism is based on no evidence—and only serves to stoke fear among Americans.
Chris Edelson
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