
The Upside of a Republican Congress
Progressives face a 'tough slog,' but so do Obama's pro-corporate trade deals.
Cole Stangler

The New Cuba: Capitalism with a Socialist Face?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is delighted that Obama normalized relations with Cuba.
Joel Bleifuss

An Open Letter to a Young Army Ranger, From an Old One: Why the War On Terror Isn’t Your Battle
"I’m writing this letter in the hope that offering you a little of my own story might help frame the bigger picture for you."
Rory Fanning

Mario Cuomo, the Speech and the Challenge to Democrats Today
Today's Democrats should look to Mario Cuomo’s vision of an America in which we embrace our responsibility for each other.
Dan Cantor and Richard Kirsch

Is Chris Christie’s Bromance With Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Violating Ethics Laws?
The only thing more awkward than the New Jersey governor and presidential hopeful's hug with the widely despised billionaire owner: Christie may have been breaking the law while doing it.
David Sirota

It’s Not the Koran, It’s Us
The corporate media chorus willfully ignores that U.S. actions, not Islam, fuel jihadism.
Leonard C. Goodman

We Forgot To End Poverty
Poverty remains at record highs. Is that because welfare reform failed, or because it succeeded all too well?
Chris Rhomberg

The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Began in Panama
Twenty-five years ago this month, the U.S. invaded Panama. It became the blueprint for America's wars in the Middle East.
Greg Grandin

Texas: The Blue Frontier
Texas won't turn blue from the top down, but it may already be doing so from the ground up.
Theo Anderson

Whatever Obama’s Calculations, Socialism Is Still Alive and Well in Cuba
After 54 years of the most powerful country on earth with its boot on your collective neck, any relief is worthy of celebration.
Tom Hansen

Why Bernie Sanders Needs to Run for President—As an Independent
The corporate capture of both parties, explosion of energy in grassroots movements, and popular disgust with politics as usual make this the perfect moment for Sanders to run outside the Democratic Party.
David Goodner

Insanely Rich People Insisting They’re Just Average Joes: Only in America
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew can't wrap his head around the fact that he's really, really wealthy.
David Sirota

Should We Oppose the Intervention Against ISIS?
Most U.S. leftists say yes. But voices we rarely hear—Kurds and members of the Syrian opposition—have more ambiguous views.
Danny Postel

Land of the Free and Home of the Enhanced Interrogators
We need a truth and reconciliation commission to deal with our torture problem.
Chris Lehmann

The Media’s 3 False Assumptions About American Torture
The Senate torture report could be the opening we need to make U.S. torture a thing of the past. Let’s not waste it.
Rebecca Gordon

We Can’t All Just Get Along
In our era of polarization, one party is guiltier than the other.
Susan J. Douglas

Slavoj Žižek: How the United States Rolls
It's lonely being the global policeman.
Slavoj Žižek

Why No One Remembers the Peacemakers
Elites prefer to commemorate dead soldiers, but perhaps we should remember the fighters who deserted and the activists who demanded peace.
Adam Hochschild