
When Police ‘Reforms’ Only Legitimize Police Abuses
The proposed policing reforms in response to the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner won't lessen police violence against communities of color. In fact, they may actually make it worse.
Michael Collins

In Iraq and Beyond, U.S. Foreign Policy is Based On Complete Fallacies
How can we ever hope for a sane foreign policy in the Middle East when America's bedrock assumptions about the region are completely wrong?
Andrew J. Bacevich

Should We Trust Him? The Mixed Results of Obama’s Past Immigrant Relief Measures
Past executive actions for undocumented immigrants under the president's administration haven't always delivered.
Yana Kunichoff

Journalists Aren’t Covering Local Elections. Our Democracy Is Suffering Because of It.
What if you held an election and nobody showed up to cover it? Americans now know the answer: elections with lots of paid ads but little journalism, context or objective facts.
David Sirota

Elizabeth Warren Needs to Run for President—Even If She Doesn’t Want To
She's the only one who can save the Democrats from themselves.
Ian Reifowitz

The Real Winner of the Midterms: Wall Street
The crop of newly elected politicians from last week's elections are likely to increase profits for banks while further cutting public sector workers' pensions.
David Sirota

Chicago Progressives’ Midterms Performance Actually Wasn’t That Bad
Far from wringing their hands about last week's election's implications, Chicago progressives should take heart at their performance.
Marilyn Katz

With Net Neutrality, Obama Finally Takes a Principled Stand
By calling for the reclassification of broadband as a utility, the president has opened the lanes for a truly free and open Internet.
Mark Stanley

Chicago Progressive Groups Aim to End Rahm Emanuel’s City Council Stranglehold
Two Chicago coalitions are working to elect progressive candidates in the 2015 elections—and build an enduring movement.
Kari Lydersen

The Democrats Need a Shot in the Arm
Republicans pulled together in the midterms to continue waging war on workers, the planet and democracy. Democrats ran from each other. The results shouldn't surprise us.
David Moberg

Mainstream Media’s Unsurprising Advice for Dems: Move Further to the Right
Even at a time of voters' clear desire for strong progressive policies, the advice is the same as always.
Peter Hart and Jim Naureckas

The Lesson from the Midterms: Elizabeth Warren Should Run in 2016
After the pity party’s through, let’s get organized.
Joel Bleifuss

Americans Clearly Aren’t Buying into Democrats’ Empty Economic Promises
The Democrats have failed to put forward a program that offers real improvement in the average person's life.
Dean Baker

How Can We Get More Women In Elected Office? Look to New Hampshire.
The Granite State is poised to become the first state in the U.S. to achieve gender parity in elected office. Here's how they did it.
Rebecca Hellmich

Noam Chomsky: The Long, Shameful History of American Terrorism
President Obama should call our country's history of supporting insurgents abroad for what it is: U.S.-backed terrorism.
Noam Chomsky

How Ferguson’s Black Majority Can Take Control of Their City
Our analysis of the voting data shows that when only white people vote, only white people get elected.
Amaris Montes and Zack Avre

Jim Crow at the Polling Place
New voter legislation is an unwelcome blast from the past.
Joel Bleifuss

Obama’s Delay on Immigration: Shameful, But Savvy
Latinos won't tip the midterms. Anti-immigrant right-wingers might.
Achy Obejas