
Getting Our Hands Dirty
Republican voting restrictions will hit young people hard. Where's the outrage among millennials?
Joel Bleifuss

It’s Not All About November
With all their political gamesmanship, lawmakers forget that real human lives are often on the line.
David Sirota

One, Two, Many Sawants? Chicago Activists Announce Socialist Candidate for City Council
Long-time labor and immigration rights activist Jorge Mújica plans to run for alderman in Chicago's 25th ward.
Andrew Mortazavi

The Politics of Red Lines
Putin's takeover of Crimea scares U.S. leaders because it challenges America's global dominance.
Noam Chomsky

Rand Paul Risks Telling the Truth About Ronald Reagan
The effectiveness of Reagan's presidency is no more than a right-wing myth.
CJ Werleman, AlterNet

‘Race Matters,’ Sotomayor Reminds Fellow Justices
The majority of Supreme Court justices seem to think prejudice will disappear if they say so.
Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Ten Governors’ Races To Watch In 2014
A handy guide for progressives and working people.
Sarah Berlin and David Moberg

Our Neoliberal President
Obama wants to privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Melvyn Dubofsky

Toppling the Tea Party
In 2014, progressives hope to take down the GOP gubernatorial class of 2010
David Moberg

Two Decades After Oslo, A Look at Life in Israel and Palestine
While in the Middle East last October, I saw firsthand why ending occupation is so necessary—and why it will be so difficult.
Marilyn Katz

Republicans Root for the Villain
Paul Ryan's new budget steals from the poor and gives to the rich.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Corruption in the Windy City
In times of crisis, public employees often take the fall while the corporate class prospers.
David Sirota

The McCutcheon Ruling Is Citizens United 2.0
The Supreme Court's decision to remove caps on personal political campaign contributions will tighten the 1% stranglehold on American politics.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

What Europe Can Learn from Ukraine
European leftists are too quick to patronize Ukrainian protesters.
Slavoj Žižek

Lobbyists Deceptively Claim the Public Favors Fast-Tracking Trade Agreements
Critics say the much-hyped opinion polls relied on tricky phrasing to create an impression of voter support.
Cole Stangler

The ACA Could Be the Death Knell for Chicago’s Public Mental Health Clinics
In 2012, Mayor Emanuel's budget forced half the city's public mental health clinics to close; now the remaining six are in danger, too.
Kari Lydersen

Nuclear Weapons Won’t Keep Us Safe
The U.S. will spend an estimated $1 trillion on its nuclear arsenal in the next 30 years. And for what cause?
Noam Chomsky

How a Shadowy Hollywood Conservative Group Gamed the IRS System
Yet the IRS doesn't seem to care all that much.
Adam Parfrey, AlterNet