The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Rural America
‘To Preserve the Future of Our Past’: Tribes Work for World Heritage Designation of Ohio Earthworks
Stephanie Woodard
How Supporters of the Green New Deal Are Showing Up for Workers
Elizabeth King
The Takeaway From the Impeachment Hearings: Our Constitution Has Failed
To guard against another authoritarian president we can’t impeach, we need to reform our constitution.
Chris Edelson
What Other Unions Can Learn from the Historic Gains We Won in the Chicago Teachers Strike
Jackson Potter
From Fur to Foie Gras: Animals Are on a Winning Streak
While Trump has loosened some federal protections for animals, activists are gaining ground on the local and state level.
Andrew Schwartz
Winning Medicare for All Will Require Taking On Powerful Interests. Here’s How We Overcame One.
The American Medical Association's decision to leave an industry-backed, anti-single payer group didn't happen on its own. It was the result of dedicated organizing to make healthcare a human right.
Connie Huynh
Rural America
As Development Destroys Habitat, Wildlife Finds Refuge on Battlefields
Todd Lookingbill and Peter Smallwood
How the Leader of the OAS Became a Right-Wing Hawk—And Paved the Way for Bolivia’s Coup
The Organization of American States is not a neutral arbiter. Just looks at its secretary general, Luis Almagro.
Branko Marcetic
Want More Proof of Corporate Media’s Anti-Bernie Bias? Look at MSNBC’s Democratic Debate.
During the debate and in the spin room, Sanders was treated more like an outsider than a front runner. It’s part of a broader anti-Bernie slant in the “liberal” network’s coverage.
Branko Marcetic
Why “High Hopes” Is the Perfect Dance Song for the Buttigieg Campaign
It’s a meritocratic fantasy.
Dayton Martindale
$44,000 for Air Ambulances, Hour-Long Rides to an ER—The High Cost of Healthcare in Appalachia
Rural hospitals are closing or downgrading at an alarming rate. That could be fatal.
Mason Adams
Rural America
Getting Stuck Is a Rural Rite of Passage
Joseph Bullington
Why 15,000 Indiana Teachers Just Walked Off the Job
Jeff Schuhrke
Southern Workers Unite Around Medicare for All: “A Tremendous Liberation From Your Boss”
Workers from across the South converged in Charlotte, N.C., on September 21 to kick off a Medicare for All campaign.
Jonathan Michels
With Net Neutrality Axed, Local Governments Are Racing To Save the Open Internet
Cities and states are leading the way in defending the internet from corporate control.
Victor Pickard and David Elliot Berman
9 Stats That Show the Tax Code Favors the Ultra-Rich
Without dramatic tax reform, inequality will continue to skyrocket.
Izii Carter
Rural America
To Save Species from Extinction, We Must Consider More than Just Numbers
H. Resit Akcakaya
The Strike at McDonald’s Is About More Than Fighting Abuse—It’s About Workplace Democracy
Eli Day
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