The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Joe Biden Lied His Face Off About the Iraq War
Our score for Biden’s debate performance: 8 million pinocchios.
Branko Marcetic

Here’s the Radical Housing Plan That All 2020 Candidates Should Embrace
With the U.S. facing an extreme housing crisis, now there's a clear-eyed plan for guaranteeing housing as a human right. The 2020 candidates should get on board.
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Amazon Worker: Why We’re Bringing the Climate Strike to Jeff Bezos
Rebecca Burns

The U.S.-Backed Coalition Can’t Agree on Why It’s Bombing Yemen
As Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates clash over their goals, the people of Yemen are paying the price.
Shireen Al-Adeimi

10 Years of Death by Border Patrol
Humanitarian aid for migrants crossing through dangerous deserts has been a crime for years.
In These Times Editors

A Progressive Approach to China
Progressives must reject the false choice between Trump’s anti-China protectionism and the “free trade” status quo that preceded him
Tobita Chow

Bolsonaro Says Environmental NGOs Are Burning the Amazon. That Conspiracy Theory Has a Strange Past.
How a book published in 2001 fueled a dangerous right-wing narrative in Brazil.
Michael Fox

A Close Look at Kamala Harris’ Hawkish Foreign Policy
Harris has little to say on the subject. But her record speaks volumes.
Sarah Lazare

The Next Wave of Labor Unrest Could Be in Grocery Stores
Michael Arria

Rural America
Guess Which Candidates Support the Farmers Bill of Rights?
Jim Goodman and Anthony Pahnke

Elizabeth Warren Is Making a Mistake By Trying to Win Over Democratic Party Elites
If Warren wants to enact “big, structural change,” working within the Democratic Party establishment is a poor strategy.
Branko Marcetic

The Debates Are Too Important To Be in the Hands of Corporate Media and the DNC
We need independently run debates that put substantive policy discussion first.
Julie Hollar

Want To Fix the Debates? Shut Down the Trump-Style Theatrics.
The sensationalist, ratings-first format needs to change—and candidates should boycott debates until it does.
Susan J. Douglas

Kamala Harris Pledged To Halt Fracking. Her Foreign Policy Advisor Wants The Opposite.
If ‘personnel is policy,’ then the choice of Michèle Flournoy suggests a President Harris would expand oil and natural gas extraction.
Branko Marcetic

For Incarcerated Workers, Summer Heat Can Be a Death Sentence
Incarcerated workers are subject to cruel--and dangerously hot--conditions in the summer. This will only worsen with climate change.
Ella Fassler

The Future of U.S. Jobs Looks Bleak. Unions Are the Answer.
Heidi Shierholz

This Community Stopped ICE From Using Its Airport To Deport Thousands of Immigrants
Thanks to local organizing, King County International Airport no longer provides ground support for ICE.
Lena Elmeligy

Unions Have Supported Democrats for Decades. It’s Time for Dems To Keep Their Promises.
Unions have played a critical role in helping Democrats get elected. What do they have to show for it?
Diana Babineau