The Wisconsin Idea

When Will Obama Aides Come Clean About U.S.-Saudi War Crimes?
Now that Saudi Arabia has become a P.R. liability, Samantha Power and Ben Rhodes have quietly condemned the war in Yemen. But when they had the power to stop it, they were complicit.
Sarah Lazare
Sanders and Warren Demand Bezos Answer for Amazon’s “Potentially Illegal” Union Busting
Jake Johnson, Common Dreams
What Russiagate Skeptics Get Wrong
The Left can call for military deescalation while still holding Putin accountable for electoral meddling.
John Feffer
Democratic Socialist Jovanka Beckles Could Upset Buffy ‘the Bernie Slayer’ Wicks in CA
Beckles is running in the East Bay on a solidly left-wing platform and her campaign is gaining steam ahead of the November 6 election.
Keisa Reynolds
Unions Can Protect Workers From Deportation. This Coalition of 3.5 Million Is Showing How.
Heather Gies
How Pro-War Democrats Use Russiagate To Bloat the Military—And Why That’s Dangerous
Russia became the bipartisan justification for an $716 billion defense budget and nuclear build-up.
Sarah Lazare
Van Dyke’s Guilty Verdict Was Made Possible By Decades of Activism Against Racist Policing
The murder conviction of Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke didn't happen in a vacuum—it was the result of years of community outrage over police violence.
Flint Taylor
Brazilian Companies Pressure Workers to Vote for a Fascist Presidential Candidate
Michael Fox
Why I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russiagate
Mueller won’t save us from the deep flaws in our democracy that brought us Trump.
Jessica Stites
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