The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
Foreign Control of U.S. Farmland has Recently Doubled, And the USDA Doesn’t Know Who Owns What
Johnathan Hettinger
Robert Reich: Trump and the GOP’s New Tax Plan Is a Giant Gift to the 1%
Robert Reich
Puerto Rico’s Isolated Mountain Communities Are Rapidly Running Out of Food And Water
The federal, national and municipal governments have still not cleared the way into at least nine neighborhoods in Utuado, the third largest municipality in Puerto Rico.
Eliván Martínez Mercado
The Left Needs Its Own Shock Doctrine for Puerto Rico
Sarah Jaffe
If the Left Wants to Win Elections, It Should Heed the Lessons of This Progressive Third Party
Left groups engaging in electoral politics today can learn from the trials, errors and successes of the Working Families Party.
Sam Lewis and Luke Elliott-Negri
The Anti-Trump Resistance Must Not Fall Into the “Good” Vs. “Bad” Immigrant Trap
With renewed focus on the DREAM Act it's important that any immigration reform benefit all undocumented people.
Organized Communities Against Deportations
When Green Jobs Come at the Expense of Unions
A declining Rust Belt town turned to wind power—and away from organized labor.
Yana Kunichoff
Rural America
A Rural Progressive Platform: To Fix Stuff Democrats Have to Stop Being Stupid
Anthony Flaccavento
The Movement for Single Payer Has Transformed the Healthcare Fight. The CNN Debate Was Proof.
During CNN’s Monday night debate about the Affordable Care Act, it became clear that progressives have set the terms of discussion.
Theo Anderson
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