
Corporate America Fleeced Us Again
The coronavirus bill is an orgy of corporate welfare that rivals the 2008 bailout.
Moe Tkacik
The Senate’s $2 Trillion Bailout Falls Flat on Worker Protections
The coronavirus financial relief package is packed full of corporate giveaways and lacks basic safeguards for workers and their families.
Josh Bivens and Heidi Shierholz
The Swing Voter Chimera
Micah Uetricht
The 7% Matter
Dan Cohen
We Need a Coronavirus Fiscal Stimulus That’s Bigger Than $2 Trillion. And We Need it Now.
The risk of going too small on stimulus is large, while the risk of going too big is almost nonexistent.
Josh Bivens
The Future Socialists Want, And Centrists Fear
Are reds and red-scarers even talking about the same thing?
Joel Bleifuss
Mike Davis: The Coronavirus Crisis Is a Monster Fueled by Capitalism
Pandora's Box is open, and our ruthless economic system is making everything far worse.
Mike Davis
While Mainstream Democrats Fumble, Bernie Sanders Is Modeling a Serious Response to Coronavirus
Democrats make a huge mistake by shying away from a robust material response to the crisis.
Natalie Shure
Despite Bernie’s Loss, Progressives Scored 3 Major Wins in Illinois. Here’s How.
Kim Foxx, Marie Newman and Robert Peters won much-watched races through sustained, longterm organizing.
Will Tanzman
The Right Way to Give Everyone Cash in the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis
For a cash payout plan to work it must be universal, long-lasting and supplemented with other social programs.
Jim Pugh
Coronavirus Demands Social Distancing and Social Movements. Here’s How To Do Both.
Even in times of social distancing, building a collective, social response to the pandemic is our only salvation.
Paul Engler
Bernie Just Laid Out a Humane Approach to Dealing with the Coronavirus. Biden Did Not.
In Sunday’s debate, Sanders made a clear-eyed case for taking the profit motive out of healthcare, while Biden railed against "revolution."
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Why Bernie Must Keep Going: It’s About Our Future
Sanders is down, but he's not out. And he can still help advance a progressive agenda for all of us.
Christopher D. Cook
Despite His Losses, Bernie Sanders’ Agenda Is Winning
While Sanders lost in Michigan and other states, exit polls show voters want Medicare for All, an economic transformation and a nominee who will run on a progressive platform. Those demands aren’t going anywhere.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Austerity Could Make the U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak So Much Worse
The lack of investment in public health, a robust social safety net or universal healthcare system all make the U.S. especially vulnerable to the fast-spreading disease.
Natalie Shure
The Democratic Establishment Is Trying to Crush Bernie Sanders, But It Hasn’t Stopped Him
While the Democratic Party’s corporate wing helped Biden gain on Super Tuesday, Sanders’ left-wing vision is still popular—and can still win.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Under Bloomberg, the NYPD Massively Expanded Its Racist Gang Database
Stop-and-frisk has received more attention, but Bloomberg’s role in broadening New York’s discriminatory gang database should raise serious concern about what his presidency would look like.
Josmar Trujillo
Elizabeth Warren, Please Drop Out for the Sake of a Better World
Warren has no path to the Democratic nomination, but by dropping out and endorsing Bernie Sanders she can still help make her egalitarian vision a reality.
Hamilton Nolan
It’s Not Just Bernie Anymore—Centrist Dems Are Skipping AIPAC in a “Watershed Moment”
Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg have joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in abandoning the pro-Israel conference that critics call "a fringe, right-wing, radioactive rogue organization."
Julia Conley
Bloomberg Unleashes Warren’s Rage—At Last
If Warren has a superpower, it is her anger—a righteous, coruscating fury that beautifully clarifies the moral stakes of a rigged economy.
Kathleen Geier
Where the Ongoing Mass Protests Against Neoliberalism in Chile Came From
Chileans are still taking to the streets to protest an unjust economic order. It will take a political movement to change the system.
Anna Kowalczyk
With Bloomberg Running, A Student Debt Strike Is Even More Urgent
Bloomberg's plan doesn't go far enough to address the student debt crisis
Ann Larson
“I Would Love Medicare for All”: A Nevada Culinary Union Member on Why She Supports Bernie Sanders
While the powerful Culinary Workers Union in Nevada is attacking Sanders' universal healthcare plan, a rank-and-file worker says "a lot of members want Bernie" and support Medicare for All.
Rebecca Burns
Buttigieg and Centrist Dems Want a Military Response to Climate Change. That’s Dangerous.
The Pentagon sees climate victims as threats.
Sarah Lazare
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