
How Third Way Democrats Could Get Trump Re-elected
The New Democracy PAC and other centrist groups want you to learn all the wrong lessons from 2016.
Joel Bleifuss
It’s Not Enough To Elect Progressives—Movements Must Have a Role in Governing
Candidates must treat us not as voters to be won but as partners.
Lizeth Chacon
Lots of Presidential Candidates Talk a Good Talk. Look at Their Records Instead.
It’s the only way to tell who actually means what they say.
Nathan Robinson
Why We Should Believe Campaign Promises
Candidates may not truly believe everything they say. But we can get them to follow through on it anyway.
Theo Anderson
Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Run Will Put Concentrated Wealth On Trial
The democratic socialist senator has already pushed the 2020 race far to the left. Now he wants a movement to redistribute economic power to the working class.
Sam Adler-Bell
An Economic Blueprint for Chicago Any Progressive Candidate Should Get Behind
Chicago’s elections offer a chance to break with the neoliberal policies of the past—by taxing the rich to invest in underserved communities.
Saqib Bhatti
Tax the Hell Out of the Rich, When They’re Alive and When They’re Dead
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders each have plans to massively raise taxes on the wealthy. But there's no need to choose—we should enact them all.
Rebecca Burns
Of Course Undocumented People Should Have Guaranteed Healthcare. NYC Is Making It a Reality.
New York City's universal healthcare plan is setting an important new standard for health policy in the United States.
Natalie Shure
There’s a Vanishing Resource We’re Not Talking About
Humans are losing our cultural diversity even faster than we're destroying the planet. Yet that diversity could be key to surviving environmental extremes.
Jessica Stites
What We Can Learn From the “Janes” of the 1960s Underground Abortion Network
Rather than despair, abortion advocates should learn from a long, radical history of community organizing and mutual aid.
Eesha Pandit
After 3 Decades, Privatization Has Been Proven a Failure. Let’s Bury It for Good.
Handing public assets and services over to the free market has been a boon for corporate America and a disaster for the working class.
Jeremy Mohler
Angela Davis: Rescinding of Civil Rights Award Is Attack on “the Indivisibility of Justice”
After an outcry from some Jewish groups over her support for Palestinian justice, Davis saw a prestigious civil rights award revoked. Here is her statement.
Angela Davis
Why Government Spending Can’t Turn the U.S. Into Venezuela
When poor countries fall prey to inflation, it’s not because they’re “too socialist.”
Fadhel Kaboub
There Are Limits to Government Spending, But We Haven’t Reached Them Yet
Max B. Sawicky
Yes, the Federal Government Can Just Print Money
The U.S. government can dramatically increase spending without raising taxes.
Pavlina R. Tcherneva
States Can Break Up Big Banks. Here’s How.
A healthy economy has no need for mega-banks.
Dave Kamper
Here’s How Blue States Can Pave the Way for Medicare for All
Democrats were elected on promises of affordable healthcare. This is what states can do even under Trump.
David Dayen
Our Freshwater Emergency Is Worse Than You Think
How blue state governors can address a sprawling national water crisis.
Laura Orlando
We Got a Blue Wave, But We Can Win So Much More—If We Mobilize Now
This fight is for civilization’s survival—one that will require the mobilization not seen since the civil rights movement.
Joel Bleifuss
We Can Fight Climate Change and Still Eat Beef
How grass-fed cattle can sequester carbon and rebuild soil.
Paige Stanley
Climate-Friendly Beef Is a Myth. Don’t Buy It.
There’s no way around it: Take on the meat industry or face ecological disaster.
Jennifer Molidor
Anything Cows Can Do, Elk Can Do Better
Most sustainable food models rely on domesticated animals. They don’t need to—and shouldn’t.
Nassim Nobari
Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris Both Fall Short on Abolishing Money Bail
Each of their bills is weak, although Harris' is more dangerously flawed.
Sarah Lazare
An Open Letter To Andrew Cuomo: Now Will You Keep Your Clemency Promises?
Despite big talk, in eight years, the governor has freed exactly one domestic violence survivor from prison.
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