Working In These Times

Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron?
An interview with Oren Cass about the ideas behind his “Conservative Future for the American Labor Movement.”
Hamilton Nolan
Left Organizers Are Being Targeted and Persecuted
A conversation with Amanda Yee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Maximillian Alvarez
Restaurant Workers Are Building Solidarity Amid the Pandemic
When workers at a pizza joint refused to train the people replacing them, they were fired. Now they're unionizing.
Alice Herman
How Amy Coney Barrett's Appointment Would Escalate the War on Workers
A conversation with labor activist and legal scholar James Gray Pope.
Alice Herman
How Trump Is Privatizing the U.S. Immigration System
The administration is allowing industries to directly control guest worker programs.
Maurizio Guerrero
Trump Is Waging War on the VA's Union, and Workers Are Living in Fear
The biggest public sector union contract in the country could be a disaster without political intervention
Hamilton Nolan
American Workers Have Lost Control of Their Time. It’s Time To Take It Back.
Whether it’s working longer hours, having no control over work schedules, or scrambling to find enough hours to pay the bills, American workers have lost control of their working time. Getting that time back is crucial—for workers’ well-being, for democracy and for weakening the tyrannical power of the boss.
Micah Uetricht
Employers Are Spying on Remote Workers in Their Homes
As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced more people to work from home, employers have begun using digital surveillance technology to increase control and maintain productivity.
Steven Hill
What’s at Stake for the Labor Movement on Election Day? Everything.
Unions hope a Biden presidency will reverse decades of anti-worker policies.
Hamilton Nolan
Unite Here Is 85% Unemployed and Still Fighting Like Hell
The economically devastated union is knocking on more doors than the entire Democratic Party
Hamilton Nolan
What Does a “Safe Return” to School Look Like? Ask Teacher Unions.
Powerful elites are willing to sacrifice the lives and futures of millions to feed their own profits. Teachers are fighting back.
Lois Weiner and Jackson Potter
Healthcare Workers Are Leading the Largest Strike Ever at the University of Illinois-Chicago
In the face of a deadly pandemic, UIC’s largely Black and Latino hospital workforce is demanding workplace safety and livable wages.
Jeff Schuhrke
Meet the Students Trying to Organize the First Campus-Wide Undergraduate Union
Inside the groundbreaking student organizing drive at Kenyon College.
Indigo Olivier
Standing Rock's Enduring Message: "Let Us Teach You How To Live on This Land"
A conversation with LaDonna Brave Bull Allard of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
Maximillian Alvarez
Time For Unions to Give the Democratic Party an Ultimatum
Money spent on organizing is always well spent. You can't say the same about political donations.
Hamilton Nolan
This Labor Day, Let’s Remember Labor’s Forgotten Fight—Shorter Hours and Control Over Work Time
We’re working more for less. Instead, we should fight to work less for more.
Jamie K. McCallum
A Brief History of the U.S. Government’s Targeting of Left-Wing Immigrants
Throughout U.S. history, right-wing forces have used the denial of citizenship to restrict political dissent.
Shaun Richman
Why Every Job in the Renewable Energy Industry Must Be a Union Job
We need millions of union jobs that are good for both workers and the climate.
Mindy Isser
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