Working In These Times

Postal Workers Fend Off Attacks in New Contract
Alexandra Bradbury
BREAKING—Fight for $15 Organizers Tell SEIU: We Need $15 and a Union (Updated)
David Moberg
Authors Spill Organizing Secrets in Labor Notes’ New Book
Jen Johnson
Fire Departments, Airports and Military Bases May Be More Toxic to Workers Than You Think
Elizabeth Grossman
The Strike At Trump’s Atlantic City Casino Is a Flashpoint for the Entire Labor Movement
Adolph Reed Jr.
Chicago Activists Accuse ICE of Racial Profiling After Street Corner Raid
Parker Asmann
National Democrats Back $15 Minimum Wage. Baltimore Dems, Not So Much.
Bruce Vail
Day Laborers Leader on Right-Wing Hostility: “So Far, We Have Won This Fight”
Peter Dreier and Mark Maier
CUNY Workers Overwhelmingly Approve New Contract With 94% Voting Yes
Brandon Jordan
It’s the Stupidity, Stupid: How Donald Trump is Beating the Democrats on Trade
Theo Anderson
A Radical Plan For An Economy That Makes Black Lives Matter
Douglas Williams
On Trade, Our Choices Aren’t Only Xenophobic Nationalism Or Neoliberal Globalization
Leon Fink
A Message for CUNY Members: Don’t Take the Money
Sigmund Shen
So Long, Uber: Could Co-op Apps Change the Way We Catch Rides?
Vic Vaiana
A New Path to Progressivism: An Interview with Vermont House Candidate Mari Cordes
Victoria Albert
In Philadelphia, Progressive Education Organizers Fight ‘Disaster Capitalism’
Molly Knefel
Senate Dining Room Workers Win $1 Million in Back Wages
Bruce Vail
NLRB Upholds Union’s Right To Endorse BDS Against Israel
Alex Kane
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