
Obama’s Dirty War on Journalism
Despite a facade of openness, the president has sought to crack down on "inconvenient" reporting.
David Sirota
The Expendables: How the Temps Who Power Corporate Giants Are Getting Crushed
Hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers are stuck in low-wage temp jobs, despite working for America's largest companies.
Michael Grabell, ProPublica
Humanity’s Oldest Story
The White House claims unprecedented authority over drone strike assassinations.
David Sirota
Ikea’s Race to the Bottom
Turkish workers say Ikea takes advantage of the authoritarian government's anti-union policies.
John Logan
America Feeds the Rich
If the Farm Bill passes, it will literally take food out of the mouths of babes.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
How Obamacare Could Flatline
Employers are doing their best to exploit loopholes in the ACA, and that's just one of many perils.
David Moberg
The Hundred Years’ War for Healthcare Reform
Until the ACA, reform attempts have been thwarted throughout the last century.
Adam Gaffney
Underinsured in the Age of Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act does not make healthcare a right.
Adam Gaffney
A Turkish Spring?
The roots of the revolt in Taksim Square and the future of rebellion
Erik Forman
Permanent Washington’s Backlash to Edward Snowden
The attacks on the NSA whistleblower reveal some ugly truths about America
David Sirota
A Budget by the People, for the People
Participatory budgeting is on the menu in Chicago.
Joel Handley
New Visions from the New Left
Gar Alperovitz and Staughton Lynd have blueprints for an ‘America beyond capitalism.’
David Moberg
Bankruptcy Scheme Shafts Coal Miners
Patriot Coal wins in bankruptcy court, reneges on retiree benefits.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
To Frack or Not to Frack in Illinois
New legislation that will regulate fracking in the state has divided environmentalists.
Marla Donato and students of DePaul University
Food Stamps on the Chopping Block
Washington's attack on the poor continues as the Senate votes for big cuts to food aid.
Cole Stangler
The Dirty Wars, Abroad and At Home
Jeremy Scahill's new film on drone warfare shows why we need to stop the war on whistleblowers
Trevor Timm
Rethinking American Exceptionalism
America is certainly exceptional, but that isn't necessarily something to be proud of.
David Sirota
Growing Up Under Goebbels
Nancy Kricorian's novel shines light on a little-known Armenian-run resistance movement in Nazi France.
Eleanor J. Bader
Guilty in Guatemala
The U.S. owes more than empty apologies in Central America.
Noam Chomsky
How China Changed After Tiananmen Square
China remains as politically oppressive as ever, but there has been a sideways revolution.
Andrew Lam
Time for the Democrats to Go Nuclear
Harry Reid has nothing to lose by banning the filibuster of appointments.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Out of the Pen and Unrepentant
Environmentalist Tim DeChristopher on the future of climate activism.
Rebecca Burns
Painting the Red States Red
Gun control is wildly popular in places like Louisiana--but you wouldn't know that from the media.
David Sirota
Striking Back at the Sequester
In the first major workplace action against the sequester, hundreds of New York City legal-aid workers picketed yesterday.
Erik Forman
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