
In Chicago, a Billionaire-Backed Candidate and Police Are Trying To Oust a Progressive Prosecutor
Kim Foxx's office has reduced incarceration rates by nearly 20% and taken major steps toward reform. Now, she's under attack.
Taylor Moore

How Bernie Beat Polling and a Smear Campaign To Win His First National Office
Sanders faced personal attacks and was down 10 points against a moderate Republican. He won.
Branko Marcetic

A Union Nurse and Tenant Activist Eyes the New York Assembly
A conversation with Phara Souffrant Forrest.
Maximillian Alvarez

The U.S.-Taliban Deal Won’t Bring Real Peace, But It Could Reduce the Bloodshed
Withdrawing even some of the U.S. troops, planes, drones and bombers from Afghanistan will reduce the killing.
Phyllis Bennis

We Need a Truth and Reconciliation Process for the Trump Era
When the post-Trump moment comes, there will be a temptation to turn the page. Instead, we need deep reflection.
K. Sabeel Rahman

Why People From Around the World Have Volunteered for Bernie Sanders
"It affects all of us," says Arturo, a volunteer who hails from Spain.
Gabe Levine-Drizin

CNN’s Coverage of Sanders Was 3X More Negative Than Biden Following Their Big Primary Wins
A tale of two media narratives.
Juan Caicedo and Sarah Lazare

A Feminism for the Working Class
In 1999, Barbara Ehrenreich charged the feminist movement with advancing only "educated, middle-class women." Her critique is more pertinent than ever.
Indigo Olivier

How the UAW Went From a Militant, Trailblazing Union to a Corrupt, Dealmaking One
The 50-year decline that led to Gary Jones' indictment.
Chris Brooks

Journalists, Artists and Musicians on the Joys and Pains of Freelance Labor
Maximillian Alvarez

Time is short. We need you now.
Mindy Isser

How Bernie’s Strategy of Building Relationships with Young People and Latinos Paid Off in California
Inside the campaign's California organizing strategy.
Nuala Bishari

Working Families Party: Sanders Needs Warren in the Race
Warren supporters argue her presence helps win more voters to a progressive agenda.
Ryan Grim and Rachel M. Cohen

When I Asked Elizabeth Warren to Speak Out Against the Yemen War, She Refused
In 2015, I asked Sen. Warren to oppose the war in Yemen. Here's what she said.
Shireen Al-Adeimi

There Have Been 21 Debate Questions About Paying For Social Programs, Zero About Paying For War
Democratic debate moderators are sending the message that we can afford policies that spread militarism—but not those that protect human life.
Sarah Lazare

Bloomberg’s Choice to Speak at AIPAC Shows How Out of Touch He Is
The billionaire has defended Islamophobia and Israel's wars. He'll fit right in at the AIPAC conference.
Alex Kane

Red-Baiting Won’t Stop Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Debate Shows Why.
Moderators and candidates tried to weaponize democratic socialism to attack the front-runner.
Mindy Isser

Why Democrats Need To End the Filibuster
If they actually want to get anything done, Democrats need to kill the filibuster—now.
In These Times Editors

The Media Doesn’t Know How to Process the Fact That Bernie Sanders Is Winning
Corporate media has moved from denial to anger.
Jim Naureckas

Bernie Sanders Is the Only Leading Presidential Candidate Publicly Opposing the Patriot Act
Many Democrats are still acquiescing to a George W. Bush-era policy that has been in place for nearly 20 years.
Sarah Lazare

Superdelegates Were Designed To Stop a Candidate Like Bernie
Of course the establishment candidates approve of superdelegates—these unelected electors were created precisely to protect the party elite.
Branko Marcetic

The Fate of the Planet Rests on Dethroning the IMF and World Bank
A Global Green New Deal could herald a new era of international cooperation to curb the climate crisis.
Johanna Bozuwa and Thomas M. Hanna

Bernie’s Strategy To Win California—And Everywhere
Sanders is taking a risk no one has before: banking on new voters
Nuala Bishari

At What Point Does Bloomberg’s Unprecedented Ad Spending Amount to Bribery of the Media?
Bloomberg has already spent $400 million on ads, making hardly a dent in his $60 billion fortune.
Julianne Tveten