
The Rise of Podemos In Spain’s Election Shows How Much Trouble the Establishment Is In
From Spain’s “Nueva Política” to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, outsider candidates and parties are catching fire, creating new spaces for political revolution.
Erica Sagrans
The U.S. Military Is Expanding Its Secret Drone Warfare in Africa to Combat the Rise of ISIS
American efforts are underway to create a string of drone bases in Africa.
Nick Turse
8 Terrible Things About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
It's no wonder the Obama administration tried to keep this secret—the corporate-friendly trade agreement, decoded.
David Moberg
Artist Molly Crabapple on Refusing Lena Dunham, Sketching Occupy and Achieving Cockroach-Free Hair
Molly Crabapple tells In These Times about her new memoir—and true to form, the interview is no-bullshit in tone and global in scope.
Rachel Luban
Bringing Socialism Back: How Bernie Sanders is Reviving an American Tradition
The Sanders campaign is resurrecting socialist electoral politics and paving the way for a more radical public discourse.
Joseph M. Schwartz
Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, and the Dangers of ‘Eco-Nationalism’
France's ascendant far-right claims to care about climate change. Activists in Paris explain why that's a problem--for France and the rest of us.
Kate Aronoff
Accused of Supporting Torture, DePaul University Dean Faces Calls For Resignation
Like others who had a hand in the Bush-era torture programs, activists say, Gerald Koocher is facing virtually no consequences for his role in allowing psychologists to participate in "enhanced interrogation" techniques.
Tom Ladendorf
How Jessica Jones Won Over This Marvel Hater
Yes, it's feminist. Yes, it's genuinely good. Damn it.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Bernie Sanders Just Won TIME’s Person of the Year Reader’s Poll—And It Wasn’t Even Close
The democratic socialist came out far, far ahead of both Clinton and Trump.
Lauren Kaori Gurley
What Corporate America Would Do If It Really Cared About Climate Change
CEOs are professing to care about the climate. But they're still funding Republican climate-change deniers.
Joe Conason
Chicago’s Racial Justice Movement Can’t Stop at the Resignation of Police Chief Garry McCarthy
McCarthy's resignation should be seen as the beginning, not the end.
Charles Brown
Barbara Ehrenreich: America’s Blue-Collar White People Are Dying at an Astounding Rate
Could the bump in white working class deaths be the result of widespread despair?
Barbara Ehrenreich
The Robots Are Coming. Whether They’ll Be Job Terminators or Job Transformers Is Up to Us.
Don't fear the robot.
David Moberg
American Hunger-Related Healthcare Costs Exceeded $160 Billion in 2014, According to New Study
Food insecurity, especially for children, remains near record high despite the Great Recession’s official end.
Elizabeth Grossman
Henry Kissinger’s Neverending Psychological Warfare
What if the "psy-war" the young Kissinger was captivated by is still ongoing?
Joseph Fronczak
Bernie Sanders: My Vision For Democratic Socialism in America
In order to create a more egalitarian society, we must take back the reins of our government from the billionaire class and provide democratic socialism for working families—not just Wall Street and giant corporations.
Bernie Sanders
The National Security State’s Incestuous Relationship with ISIS
A fundamental aspect of ISIS' strategy lies in the necessity of a heavy-handed, reactionary response from the West to further their own narrative, ideology and recruiting. Western governments are playing into their hands.
Tom Engelhardt
What Is Actually Radical About Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism Isn’t the Socialism
It isn't a particularly radical political vision—it's an unflinching commitment to democracy.
Theo Anderson
Jews Without Money: Toward a Class Politics of Anti-Zionism
Zionism began as class-oriented project within the Jewish community. Opposing it requires a class analysis of who benefits from Zionism within that community.
Benjamin Balthaser
After Teachers Expose Racist Phonics Curriculum, Minneapolis Schools Cut Contract
Activists said the reading materials were untested, insensitive and clueless.
Sarah Lahm
Documenting the Rise and Fall of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green Public Housing Projects
A new film traces the history of America's most famous—and infamous—housing projects.
Maya Dukmasova
Slavoj Zizek: In the Wake of Paris Attacks the Left Must Embrace Its Radical Western Roots
Zizek responds to his critics on the refugee crisis.
Slavoj Žižek
Amherst College Students Are Occupying Their Library Right Now Over Racial Justice Demands
The students join what appears to be a growing wave of student activism around racism at universities around the country.
Marc Daalder
Meet the Green Chemist Who Is Out To Make Chemicals Less Toxic for Humans and the Environment
John Warner brings us Green Chemistry, challenging chemists' toxicology standards.
Valerie Brown
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