
Margaret Atwood on Climate Change, Her New Book and Why Socialists Are Better with Budgets
We asked the speculative fiction writer about this month's Canadian elections and (relatedly?) whether humanity is doomed.
Jessica Stites
New Hillary Clinton Emails: Anne-Marie Slaughter, Sidney Blumenthal Urged Libya Military Action
The most recent release of Clinton's emails show the two liberal advisors strongly encouraging U.S. intervention against Libya.
Branko Marcetic
Remembering—and Forgetting—the Lessons of Chicago’s 1995 Heat Wave
The reissue of sociologist Eric Klinenberg's classic book on the deadly heat wave should remind us that such disasters are anything but natural.
Daniel Hertz
NDP Rising Star Nathan Cullen on How Republican Tactics are Infecting Canadian Politics, and More
The rising star of the socialist-leaning New Democratic Party discusses how Canadian Conservatives are learning from their neighbors to the south.
Joel Bleifuss
Bernie Sanders Is Changing American Politics—But He’s Not Thinking Big Enough
Sure, Sanders has pulled the political conversation strongly to the Left. But he—and the activists involved in his campaign—are capable of much, much more.
Joe Allen
Even Donald Trump Wants To Eliminate This Tax Loophole for the Rich, Yet Congress Won’t Do It
While dodging through this loophole, hedge fund staffers pay about half the tax rate that kindergarten teachers are assessed.
Jim Hightower
The Disastrous History of Henry Kissinger’s Policies in the Middle East
Despite being revered in establishment circles, Kissinger's policies have wreaked havoc in the region and produced blowback for the United States.
Greg Grandin
Sorry, Ms. Clinton: Outkast’s Big Boi Backs Bernie Sanders
But where Does Andre 3000 Stand?
Branko Marcetic
Are Credit Unions the Cure to the Problems with Gentrification in NYC?
For mom-and-pop businesses trying to stay afloat, credit union loans offer a lifeline.
Abigail Savitch-Lew
Michael Harrington on the Uniquely Orthodox Radicalism of Dorothy Day
From the In These Times archive: Our 1980 obituary for the radical Catholic leader.
Michael Harrington
How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Jeopardize National Security
We are a "base nation," with soldiers and military bases circling the entire world.
David Vine
Ten Thousand Is Not Enough: Why The U.S. Must Take More Syrian Refugees
Millions of Syrians have been forced from their homeland due to a conflict that we inflamed
Marc Daalder
Freddie Gray Case Set To Be Tried in Baltimore—For Now
The trials of the six officers charged in Gray's death are currently set to begin October 13.
Caitlin Goldblatt
Holy Crap: New Poll Puts Bernie Sanders Ahead of Hillary Clinton in Iowa
Iowa is feeling the Bern.
Karen Gwee
‘Best of Enemies’ Provides a View of Gore Vidal, William F. Buckley and the 1960s From the Bathroom
The new documentary contains lots of shouting but only passing hints at substance.
Kevin Schultz
Slavoj Zizek: We Can’t Address the EU Refugee Crisis Without Confronting Global Capitalism
The refugees won't all make it to Norway. Nor does the Norway they seek exist.
Slavoj Žižek
English-Only To the Core
What the Common Core means for emergent bilingual youth
Jeff Bale
How Common Core Hurts English Language Learners
Teachers say the new standards exacerbate the disconnect between policy and practice.
Jose Luis Vilson
Silicon Valley’s Labor Uprising
Unions are spreading like wildfire through tech's low-wage workforce
s.e. smith
A New Plan for American Cities To Free Themselves of Wall Street’s Control
Arbitrary financial fees are sucking cities and states dry. But they can change the terms if they band together and bargain collectively.
Saqib Bhatti
10 Years After Katrina, New Orleans’ All-Charter School System Has Proven a Failure
Test scores tell one story, and residents tell another. A three-month investigation by In These Times reveals the cracks in the education reform narrative.
Colleen Kimmett
Appalachia’s Coal Industry is Collapsing—But the Mountains Aren’t Coming Back
The fall of West Virginia's coal mono-industry leaves the area without its peaks and forests. Only an uncertain future remains.
Laura Gottesdiener
Selling Off New Orleans: Gentrification and the Loss of Community 10 Years After Katrina
How long-time residents feel about the new Louisiana purchase
Fatima Shaik
Slavoj Zizek: The Greek Apocalypse: Versailles or Brest-Litovsk?
A response to my critics and the case for a guerrilla war within the Eurozone
Slavoj Žižek
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