
How Bernie Sanders Put Socialism to Work in Burlington: A Profile from 1983
Sanders sailed to reelection as mayor of Burlington after transforming supposedly conservative issues into left victories, and helping democratize city government. In this 1983 profile, Sanders delves into why he believes “the word ‘socialism’ has value” and “politics is not dissimilar to art.”
David Moberg
Donald Trump and the Aesthetics of Fascism
What a 20th-century Marxist art critic can teach us about a very 21st-century candidate.
Alexander Billet
Liberal Pundits Aren’t Amused By Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Anymore—They’re Terrified
In recent weeks, major liberal pundits are putting in overtime to freshen their case against Bernie Sanders, urging citizen's to ignore their conscience and quit screwing with the interests of the moneyed elite.
Kevin Gosztola
How Bernie Sanders Could Actually Pull Off an Upset in South Carolina
Surprising numbers of South Carolinians like Bernie—if they've heard of him
David Moberg
Flint’s Water Crisis Is No Accident. It’s the Result of Years of Devastating Free-Market Reforms.
This is what neoliberal governance looks like.
Jacob Lederman
The Lessons of Syriza’s Failed Push Against Austerity
Austerity policies haven't worked in Greece, but neither have the radical Left's efforts to push back against them.
Branko Marcetic
Israel’s Occupation Continues Because Economic and Political Elites Around the World Benefit From It
Author Jeff Halper says the usual explanations of Israel's behavior didn't make sense to him.
Marc Daalder
How Iowa’s Independent Streak Explains Bernie Sanders’ Meteoric Rise
Iowans have a long history of breaking from party orthodoxy. Our reporting from the state shows that could be good news for Sanders on February 1.
Theo Anderson
Remembering Hillary’s Entry into Politics—For Junior High President
The story of Hillary Clinton's first campaign and her outrage at Nixon's 1960 defeat—plus her famous chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Betsy Vandercook
None of the Democratic Candidates Have Gotten Syria Right: Why They Should Be Talking Peace, Not War
Obama has finally taken a tentative path toward a viable solution--but may waffle without support
Stephen R. Weissman
The Obama Administration Is Continuing a Failed Strategy of Building Military Bases Around the World
The United States seems intent on continuing its imperialistic policies in the Middle East (and worldwide).
David Vine
The Other Keystone: The Alberta Clipper, the Pipeline No One Is Talking About
The Alberta Clipper pipeline is already transporting huge quantities of oil, but is doing so under the radar.
Branko Marcetic
Why the GOP’s Mexico Fence Fantasy Is a Farce
Environmental damage? Exorbitant cost? Immigrants' ability to find a way around it anyway? No matter! Build The Wall!
Jim Hightower
Ted Cruz’s Collateral Damage: Why So Few Americans Care About Dead Civilians
For the most part, Americans don’t think or care much about the real-world consequences of unleashing American air power.
Rick Shenkman
Trump Bullies, Boasts and Bullshits in Bernie’s Burlington
Sitting in the audience was like watching blood dry—a convergence of the compellingly grotesque and the mind-numbingly boring.
Terry J. Allen
Big Money, Small Farmers and the Stubborn Persistence of Hunger
We haven't yet found the answer to the persistent problem of hunger around the world. Maybe we should ask radical peasants in the global south.
Max Ajl
Bernie Sanders Calls For an End to Mass Deportation Raids of Central American Immigrants
Sanders claims the Obama administration's raids of Central American families and children are inconsistent with American values—and must be stopped. Hillary Clinton's past support of such deportations sets her apart.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Laquan McDonald Email Dump Shows Rahm Emanuel’s Administration in Crisis Mode
A guide to the documents released by City Hall in the aftermath of the Chicago police shooting.
Rebecca Burns
The Bankruptcy of India’s Economic and Political “Miracle”
India is neither the vibrant global South democracy nor the poster child for globalization's benefits that global political elites have insisted it is for over a decade.
Kamil Ahsan
Slavoj Zizek: The Need to Traverse the Fantasy
A call to mobilize Europe's radical-emancipatory tradition, and why we need a solidarity of struggles, not a "dialogue of cultures"
Slavoj Žižek
The Rise of Podemos In Spain’s Election Shows How Much Trouble the Establishment Is In
From Spain’s “Nueva Política” to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, outsider candidates and parties are catching fire, creating new spaces for political revolution.
Erica Sagrans
The U.S. Military Is Expanding Its Secret Drone Warfare in Africa to Combat the Rise of ISIS
American efforts are underway to create a string of drone bases in Africa.
Nick Turse
8 Terrible Things About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
It's no wonder the Obama administration tried to keep this secret—the corporate-friendly trade agreement, decoded.
David Moberg
Artist Molly Crabapple on Refusing Lena Dunham, Sketching Occupy and Achieving Cockroach-Free Hair
Molly Crabapple tells In These Times about her new memoir—and true to form, the interview is no-bullshit in tone and global in scope.
Rachel Luban
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