
Jose Antonio Vargas on White People, Trump and Bernie Sanders’ Black Lives Matter Problem
The undocumented documentarian discusses why white Americans—including presidential candidates—have trouble talking about race.
Karen Gwee
Remembering Michael Harrington, A Heroic Democratic Socialist Leader
The vision of the socialist organizer, who died on this day in 1989, remains inspiring.
Maurice Isserman
ICE May Be Forced to Cease Inhumane Family Detention; Migrant Advocates Cheer Court Ruling
A California judge affirmed that it's illegal to detain children—and ordered their mothers released, too
Joseph Sorrentino
Iowans Join 100,000 at Bernie Sanders House Parties Across the Country Last Night
Attendees at parties across Iowa say that Bernie is "the guy we need right now."
David Goodner
An Open Letter To Naomi Wolf: Let Women Speak How They Please
Continually policing the ways women talk will further reduce them to silence.
Debbie Cameron
Ta-Nehisi Coates, James Baldwin and the “Brawl of Ancestors”
Critics who simply claim that "Coates is no Baldwin" are ignoring what can be a comparison that allows us to understand both writers more deeply.
Andy Seal
Kropotkin on the Hudson
A collective in Saugerties, New York, is trying to live by the teachings of 19th century Russian anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin.
Polly Howells
Iranian Dissidents Explain Why They Support the Nuclear Deal
We know what politicians from the U.S. to Israel think about the Iran nuclear deal. How about asking some opponents of Iran's regime?
Danny Postel
Underneath the Laughs, ‘Trainwreck’ Is Just Another Regressive Rom Com
For all its wit and unabashed vulgarity, Amy Schumer's film follows a tired formula
Eileen Jones
Waiting for the Next Israeli Assault in Gaza
Before homes are even rebuilt in the ruins of the Gaza Strip, another war looms.
Max Blumenthal
“Privatization is not the solution”: Michigan Activists Fight for Water Justice
A six-day march from Detroit to Flint by a coalition of community organizations recently protested issues of water justice facing Michigan residents.
Ashley Bohrer
Laundromat Workers Air New York’s Dirty Laundry in Performance Piece
A new film/performance spotlights the often-invisible workers who fold the clothes, maintain the machines and know your secrets.
Michelle Chen
Saqib Bhatti Debunks the Inevitability of Austerity in Detroit, Chicago and Around the Country
“The entire narrative has been shaped around the fact that you have to file bankruptcy, that it’s inevitable. ... That lets a whole class of people off the hook—the people who aren’t paying their fair share.”
Lillian Osborne
Richard Nixon’s Blueprint for Twenty-First Century America
Why we still live in a Nixonian world.
Tom Engelhardt
Richard Nixon: The Most Dangerous Man in America
The fall of Richard Nixon.
Tim Weiner
Progressive Democrats of America Bring Movement Pressure to Dems Through Bernie Sanders Campaign
Thanks to social media campaigns and behind-the-scenes work from the Progressive Democrats of America, Sanders' chances at president have become a reality.
Theo Anderson
Liberals Need to Admit the Moynihan Report Failed To Produce Progressive Reforms
The time for liberal apologetics for the report is long past overdue.
Daniel Geary
The Vermont-New York Heroin-and-Guns Carousel That Can Make Dealers a 1,400% Profit
Shooting up in Vermont, shooting up New York.
Terry J. Allen
How Amy Winehouse’s Pain Was Commodified
The new documentary AMY reveals how the media--and the men in her life--exploited Winehouse's mental illness, only to deify her after her death.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Our Real ‘Munich Moment’ Isn’t Over Negotiations with Iran—It’s on Climate Change
We are, indeed on the brink of global disaster, but not because of our negotiations with Iran.
Theo Anderson
As Anti-Choice Fundamentalists Descend on Alabama, One Abortion Doctor Refuses To Be Bullied
Dr. Willie Parker, the last abortion doctor in Mississippi, is bracing for a week of potentially violent protests in his hometown of Birmingham.
Stephanie Gilmore
Why Black Queer Activists Engaged in Civil Disobedience at Chicago Gay Pride Parade
"We tried to make it clear that we’re not looking to transform Pride, but have the larger LGBT community, mostly gay and lesbian cisgender white folks, understand what it means to invest in communities of color that are trans and queer."
H. Melt
Ready for Warren Asked Their Members if They Should Back Bernie Sanders. Why Won’t MoveOn and DFA?
Activists who wanted Elizabeth Warren to run for president took a poll and decided to endorse Bernie. Should other progressive organizations do the same?
Michael Payne
Seneca Lake’s Battle Against Fracking and Gas Storage
A coalition of farmers and vintners, doctors and lawyers, clean energy companies and reluctant do-it-yourself activists are fighting for the future of the Finger Lakes region.
Ellen Cantarow
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