
5 Questions the Center for American Progress Should Ask Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Today
The center-left think tank has come under fire for inviting the far-right prime minister to speak. Will they seize the opportunity to ask tough questions?
Marc Daalder
Why SXSW’s ‘Harassment Summit’ Is a Terrible Solution to Harassment
Here's what we learned from the women targeted.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
How Henry Kissinger Helped Make Endless War an All-American Tradition
Kissinger's steadfast support for bombing as an instrument of “diplomacy” has coursed through the decades.
Greg Grandin
How Wall Street Is Cashing In on Climate Catastrophe
Come hell or high water, the finance industry will make a killing
Kate Aronoff
Why Bernie Sanders Is Different From Any Past Socialist Running For U.S. President
Sanders is heir to a long line of socialists campaigning for the nation's highest office, with a key difference—viability.
Joe Conason
TPP: A Sweetheart Deal for Corporations, a ‘Disaster’ for People’s Rights
The White House has finally released the text of the trade deal, and the reviews are scorching.
Deirdre Fulton
Undocumented Youth Are Here Through No Fault of Their Own. But It’s Not Their Parents’ Fault, Either
Using the phrase "no fault of their own" in discussing undocumented young people does not encourage us to look at the roots of the poverty and violence their families experience.
David Bacon
With Kshama Sawant Claiming Reelection Victory, Seattle Doubles Down on Socialism
Sawant beat the establishment at its own game. Now comes the hard part.
Arun Gupta
The Democratic Party Just Declared Its Opposition to Keystone XL. Was It An Accident?
A DNC email bashing Keystone may force Obama to take a firm position on the issue.
Branko Marcetic
Why the United States Leaves Deadly Chemicals on the Market
A 6-month investigation finds that the revolving door between government and the chemical industry has led the EPA to rely on easily manipulated research. The result? Toxic substances remain in everyday products.
Valerie Brown and Elizabeth Grossman
California’s New Crisis Pregnancy Center Law Creates a Roadblock for Anti-Abortion Activists
CPCs have been repeatedly charged with providing misleading or, in some cases completely false, information for pregnant women.
Rachel M. Cohen
The Black Panther Party and the “Undying Love for the People”
The new documentary The Black Panthers, Vanguard of the Revolution is full of insights for today's racial justice activists.
Flint Taylor
Why Canada’s Most Progressive Major Party Didn’t Make Big Gains at the Polls
While the New Democratic Party campaigned on a more progressive platform, the Liberals campaigned to the left just enough to sow doubt about the NDP—while the NDP moved to the center.
Gerard Di Trolio
Lessons in Nonviolent Palestinian Resistance From the First Intifada: An Interview with Mubarak Awad
Mubarak Awad was one of the main organizers of the nonviolent resistance during the First Intifada and continues to practice strategic forms of nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation.
Waleed Shahid
Why Are U.S. Special Forces Operations Expanding Across the Globe?
This year alone, U.S. Special Operations forces have been deployed to a record-shattering 147 countries—75% of the nations on the planet.
Nick Turse
Faced With Exorbitant Utility Costs, New York State Residents Fight To Keep The Lights On
A housing rights organization in Poughkeepsie, New York, stands with its community against a utility company's attempt to disconnect low-income family homes.
Laura Gottesdiener
At Colleges, Running Backs Get All the Greenbacks, While Academic Students Fight Over Crumbs
College football has become a bloated, multi-million dollar business, subverting the original mission of universities—education.
Gilbert M. Gaul
For Israel, ‘Human Rights’ Has Meant the Right To Dominate Palestinians
The idea of human rights has too often been put to use by perpetrators rather than victims.
Belen Fernandez
You Have Less Than Three Days To Bid on the Menstrual Blood Portrait of Donald Trump on eBay
Proceeds from the painting will go to an immigrant and workers rights organization in Portland.
Branko Marcetic
Bernie Sanders Won All Major Polls, But Corporate Media Declared Hillary Clinton the Debate Winner
Bernie Sanders by all objective measures "won" the debate.
Adam Johnson
Why Last Night’s Democratic Debate Could Change the Conversation on Paid Maternity Leave
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton spoke forcefully about the need for paid time off for new mothers. Will it force Republicans to embrace the issue?
Marc Daalder
How To Make a Baby, Hyperintentionally
Modern Families explores the beauty of unconventional families—and the difficult and sometimes-repellant process of creating them
Susan J. Douglas
Are Open Borders the Solution to the Refugee Crisis?
Activists and experts debate who really benefits from opening borders: migrants or corporations
Michelle Chen
If We Can’t Ban Guns, Can We Make Them Safer?
As mass shootings mount, some activists believe they've found a smart way around the political gridlock.
Marc Daalder
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