
It’s Not Just Bigoted Cops—Ferguson Has Seen a Century of Racist Policies
Segregated cities like Ferguson, Missouri, don't just develop spontaneously. They are consciously created by people and institutions who have a stake in maintaining racial inequality.
Joshua Holland
St. Louis University Occupation Ends, But Movement for Justice in Ferguson Continues
The spirit of Occupy Wall Street lived on in a weeklong campus occupation demanding justice for Michael Brown.
James Anderson
Amy Poehler’s Radical Niceness
Reading Poehler's new book Yes Please is like hanging out with a friend who believes you can do anything, and wants you to do much better.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
So the Battle Over Legalization Has Come Down to This: A Duel Between Weed and Booze
Drug reformers say marijuana is a far less harmful substance than alcohol—and are willing to go "hit for shot" to prove it.
David Sirota
The Polluters Must Pay
Fossil fuel companies' profits are morally illegitimate. The public has the right to take those profits—to clean up their mess.
Naomi Klein
Karen Lewis Has Already Redefined Chicago Politics
She's out of the race, but the movement continues to build.
James Thindwa
Lessons for Today’s Social Movements from Gandhi’s Salt March
At the time of Mohandas Gandhi's salt satyagraha, he was accused of a major strategic blunder. But the action was actually hugely successful—and offers lessons for movements today.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
Fracking to Cure Breast Cancer
Why is the Susan G. Komen Foundation partnering with a major fossil fuels company?
David Sirota
Dear White People’s Missed Opportunities
The film gives a view of the wide range of black identities, but can't seem to tell a story beyond them about the nature of power in our "post-racial" society.
Michael Collins
A ‘Post-Political’ Labor Movement
Stanley Aronowitz on how the labor movement falters and how it might recover.
David Moberg
Can Climate Change Unite the Left?
To avoid catastrophe, we must seize corporate polluters' wealth. And to do that, we must change everything.
Naomi Klein
As Ferguson ‘Weekend of Resistance’ Begins, Organizers Weigh How to Turn a Moment into a Movement
With thousands descending on Ferguson today to demand justice for Michael Brown, a creator of #BlackLivesMatter thinks now may be the time to win long-term victories.
Julia Wong
Big Brother Is Watching You—Through Your Metadata
Your personal information may seem to be anonymous, but it isn't.
David Sirota
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Isn’t Just the Right Thing to Do—It’s Good Economics
The median net worth of white families is 9.5 times more than Hispanic families and 12 times more than black families. And the gap has scarcely narrowed in half a century.
Solana Rice and Lillian Singh
Home Care in Crisis
Everyone agrees the answer to the critical shortage of caregivers is good jobs. But how do we get there?
Kathryn Joyce
Jesse Jackson Keeps Pushing
30 years after his first presidential run, Jackson talks Obama, Civil Rights and the black vote.
Joel Bleifuss
Economic Inequality is Much Worse Than Most Americans Believe
According to a recent study, most of us severely underestimate just how bad the gap between the rich and the rest of us have gotten.
David Sirota
Abortion Isn’t a Necessary Evil. It’s Great
Progressives should admit it: We like abortion.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Noam Chomsky: Only One Thing Will Make Israel Change Course
Israel's brutalization of Palestinians through exercises like "mowing the lawn" will persist without a change in U.S. policy.
Noam Chomsky
Jon Burge, Torturer of Over 100 Black Men, Is Out of Prison After Less Than Four Years
Chicago's notorious former police commander is released from prison. A human rights lawyer representing police torture victims responds.
Flint Taylor
White Politicians Still Run the Show in Heavily-Black Towns
Large numbers of African Americans are moving into towns and suburbs, yet their representation in the political system remains weak.
Terrell Jermaine Starr, Alternet
7 Politicians Who Are Actually Talking About Inequality
A few lone voices in Congress are putting economic populism front and center.
David Moberg
It’s the Inequality, Stupid
How to frame the 'defining challenge of our time.'
David Moberg
Failing the Midterms
The Democrats can't win by cutting class.
Chris Lehmann
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