
With Missions in 105 Countries, We Are In the Golden Age of Black Ops
The U.S.'s most elite forces are conducting missions around the world ranging from kill/capture night raids to training exercises—and this year could see more such missions than ever.
Nick Turse
Phillip Agnew, Dream Defender
Meet the new generation of civil rights leaders.
Michelle Chen
The People’s Climate March Is Still Changing the Debate on Climate Change
Much has changed since hundreds of thousands of people marched through New York demanding climate action—and that's not a coincidence.
Robbie Lieberman
Should Rahm Emanuel Be Exempt From Ethics Laws?
Executives at firms managing Chicago pension money have made more than $600,000 in donations to the mayor, despite a city ordinance—and an executive order by Emanuel himself—restricting contributions from city contractors.
David Sirota
Bill Moyers on ‘Selma’: ‘Powerful But Flawed’ Portrayal of LBJ’s Civil Rights Record
LBJ's former White House Press Secretary says that while the film sometimes "suggests the very opposite of the truth," it's well worth watching.
BillMoyers.com Staff
Salman Rushdie on Charlie Hebdo: ‘Vilifying … These Fallen Artists’ Is ‘Disgraceful’
The target of an infamous fatwa weighs in on satire, free speech and religion.
Terry J. Allen
Why Eric Garner Couldn’t Breathe
The chokehold is only half the story of homicidal violence.
Terry J. Allen
Sen. Lindsey Graham Attempts to Exploit Fear After Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attacks
The South Carolina senator's charge that President Obama is to blame for terrorism is based on no evidence—and only serves to stoke fear among Americans.
Chris Edelson
The Upside of a Republican Congress
Progressives face a 'tough slog,' but so do Obama's pro-corporate trade deals.
Cole Stangler
Agent Carter’s ‘Feminism’ Is More About Making Money Than Gender Equality
Feminist, sexist, conservative, liberal—Marvel will give us any kind of superhero our heart desires as long as it makes them rich.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
An Open Letter to a Young Army Ranger, From an Old One: Why the War On Terror Isn’t Your Battle
"I’m writing this letter in the hope that offering you a little of my own story might help frame the bigger picture for you."
Rory Fanning
Mario Cuomo, the Speech and the Challenge to Democrats Today
Today's Democrats should look to Mario Cuomo’s vision of an America in which we embrace our responsibility for each other.
Dan Cantor and Richard Kirsch
Why Selma’s Critics Are Wrong About Civil Rights History
The film's portrayal of Martin Luther King pushing President Lyndon Johnson to take action for justice apparently still makes some people uncomfortable.
Jim Naureckas
Is Chris Christie’s Bromance With Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Violating Ethics Laws?
The only thing more awkward than the New Jersey governor and presidential hopeful's hug with the widely despised billionaire owner: Christie may have been breaking the law while doing it.
David Sirota
From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson: Through an Eye Socket Darkly
The identified body of one of the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico, and the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown in the U.S. reveal deep similarities between the two countries' political classes.
Shannon Speed and Rosalva Aída Hernández
The Leelah Alcorn We Never Met
Despite her family’s best efforts, the transgender 17-year-old hasn’t been erased. But who might she have become if she had lived?
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Worse Than Keystone
The pipeline project you've never heard of.
Winona LaDuke
How Ta-Nehisi Coates Made Reparations Mainstream
Coates talks about the debt he owes to black nationalists, and why black Americans are so hungry for data to back up their experiences.
Salim Muwakkil
States Are Redistributing Wealth! Where’s the Republican Outrage?
The Right seems to be just fine with wealth redistribution when governors like Chris Christie take from the poor and give to the rich.
David Sirota
When ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Was Accused of Being Communist Propaganda
When the movie first came out, it fell under suspicion from the FBI and the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
Michael Winship
Why Are We Kicking Up Such a Fuss About The Interview?
This isn't the first case of cyberterrorism this year, but it's by far the most decried.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Began in Panama
Twenty-five years ago this month, the U.S. invaded Panama. It became the blueprint for America's wars in the Middle East.
Greg Grandin
2015: The Year the Climate Justice Movement Gains the Upper Hand?
Despite the doom and gloom about our impending climate catastrophe, the past year actually saw some incredibly hopeful—and growing—climate activism.
Rebecca Solnit
Texas: The Blue Frontier
Texas won't turn blue from the top down, but it may already be doing so from the ground up.
Theo Anderson
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