
The Politics of Red Lines
Putin's takeover of Crimea scares U.S. leaders because it challenges America's global dominance.
Noam Chomsky
NFL Teams Pay Cheerleaders Poverty-Level Wages
Members of some pro-football cheer squads make far less than the federal minimum wage, but their teams aren't budging.
Jim Hightower, Alternet
Donald Sterling Is Only Part of the Problem
Sterling's remarks certainly deserve condemnation, but we can't ignore racism's more harmful effects.
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
‘Cowboy Indian Alliance’ Takes a Stand Against Keystone XL
Ranchers, tribal communities, allies and activists camp out in Washington to protect their land.
Cole Stangler
Dying for the Job
When employers put efficiency and profit over safety, it's their workers who suffer.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Official Tipped Off Hess Rail Yard About Oil-Carrier Inspection
Emails cast doubt on the integrity of a federal crackdown on unsafe shipping practices.
Cole Stangler
Rand Paul Risks Telling the Truth About Ronald Reagan
The effectiveness of Reagan's presidency is no more than a right-wing myth.
CJ Werleman, AlterNet
‘Race Matters,’ Sotomayor Reminds Fellow Justices
The majority of Supreme Court justices seem to think prejudice will disappear if they say so.
Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
Mad Men, Season 7, Episode 3: Betty Who?
Whether it's Crocker or Friedan, Betty can't seem to fit the roles society has constructed for her.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Joss Whedon Proves He Can Create Weak Female Characters
'In Your Eyes' will disappoint Whedon's feminist fans. Along with, most likely, everyone else.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Post-Occupy, #myNYPD Makes New York’s Blood Boil
As Occupier Cecily McMillan stands trial, the city's 99% rediscovers its anger toward the NYPD.
Sarah Jaffe
Wall Street’s Pension Gamble
Investors are secretly playing high-risk games with public pensions.
David Sirota
Scathing Report Finds School Privatization Hurts Poor Kids
Rocketship, a fast-growing chain of charters, is serving low-budget, stripped-down schooling.
Ruth Conniff
A Victory for New Mexico’s Chileros
Farmers must pay chile pickers 25 cents more per hour, state says.
Joseph Sorrentino
Think Globally, Act Tribally
A UN declaration provides the framework for Native self-determination
Walter R. Echo-Hawk
Why the GOP Really Fears Minimum-Wage Hikes
It comes down to a deep disrespect for the workers who make the country run.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Sipping Lattes on the Edge of a Volcano
What do Palestinians, human rights workers, progressive Israelis and Israeli settlers have to say about daily life in an occupied land?
Marilyn Katz
Mad Men, Season 7, Episode 2: Nasty Bitter Career Gals
Peggy Olsen has been through a lot—but when she bullies the show's most marginalized characters, she deserves to lose our sympathy.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Ten Governors’ Races To Watch In 2014
A handy guide for progressives and working people.
Sarah Berlin and David Moberg
Our Neoliberal President
Obama wants to privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Melvyn Dubofsky
Toppling the Tea Party
In 2014, progressives hope to take down the GOP gubernatorial class of 2010
David Moberg
The Rise of the Digital Proletariat
Astra Taylor reminds us that the Internet cannot magically produce revolution.
Sarah Jaffe
How We Can Fix Wall Street
There's a solution to the predations of high-frequency traders.
David Sirota
We Can Overcome Capitalism, But It’ll Take Some Work
Longtime organizer Jane McAlevey's new book shows progressives that the Left's defeats aren't written in the stars.
Sam Gindin
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