
By Making Fun of Gwyneth, Are We Really Dismantling Privilege?
The reactions to Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow show that no matter what, women can't win.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Warren Buffet’s Epic NCAA Humblebrag
Buffett and Quicken Loans want to give you $1 billion for your perfect NCAA bracket—because they can.
David Sirota
4 Ways the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Case Could Spell Disaster
The Religious Right wants to deny you birth control coverage. So what's next?
Erika L. Sánchez, AlterNet
Gas Export Push Gains Steam, Bulldozing Environmental Concerns
The Senate and House Energy Committees call to fast-track liquefied natural gas exports.
Cole Stangler
The Politics of Envy
Why the 99% should be tired of fat cats who play the victim.
Michael Winship
Our Plutocracy Problem
When the 1% and politicians join forces, democracy loses.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Money, Money, Everywhere
In an age of disparity, corporate wealth is far from an indicator of economic health.
Rep. Alan Grayson
William C. Erbey Has Built an Empire on Misery
The head of Ocwen Financial runs a slew of companies that profit from foreclosures.
Joel Sucher
Veronica Mars and the Case of the Disappearing Feminism
The movie version of Veronica Mars keeps the wit, but not the politics that once made the TV series great.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
The Revolution Will Be Filmed
Jehane Noujaim, director of Oscar-nominated documentary The Square, on the challenges of shooting a revolution-in-progress.
Ed Rampell
Conflict in Ukraine Could Be a Boon for Big Gas
A slew of bills in Congress would expedite permits for liquefied natural gas exports.
Cole Stangler
Oakland Activists Unite To Protect Privacy
An enormous 'domain awareness center' would have integrated cameras and data from across the city into one mass surveillance system.
Thomas Hintze
Meet the ‘Missing’ Workers
More than 5 million Americans have given up hope of a job. Who are they?
David Moberg
Expand Overtime Pay? GOP Says No
Republicans apparently don't believe that Americans who work longer hours should get paid more.
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Taking the Gloves Off in Chicagoland
Even as it celebrates Chicago's 'toughness,' CNN's mini-series doesn't confront the real reasons behind the city's inequality.
Kari Lydersen
In the Social Media Wars, Young Women Aren’t Left Unarmed
Teenage girls on the Internet aren't nearly as fragile as we think they are.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
The Fight Doesn’t End on Election Day
New York and Boston's new mayors have both vowed liberal reforms—but what will it take to turn their promises into reality?
Amy Dean
‘Budapest Hotel’ Is Too ‘Grand’ To Function
Wes Anderson’s latest film takes his signature style to a truly obnoxious level.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Community Colleges’ Failing Grade
Institutions have to fix their socioeconomic divisions before they can truly help students in need.
Michelle Chen
Budget Battles: Beyond Obama vs. Ryan
The Congressional Progressive Caucus hopes to shift the annual budget debates away from austerity.
Cole Stangler
The High Stakes of New York’s Heated Charter-School Battle
The fight is much bigger than Andrew Cuomo vs. Bill de Blasio.
Sarah Jaffe
Undermining the Upper Peninsula
The Chippewa take a stand against the return of mines to Michigan.
John Collins
How Social Security Was Saved
Progressive groups and their allies in Congress win one for the people.
Cole Stangler
Hannibal’s Feminist Take on Horror
The NBC drama proves that you can stamp out sexism and still produce scares.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
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