May 2015 Volume 39, Issue 05

Bitcoin: Digital Fool’s Gold?
Silicon Valley investors are betting heavily on the online currency. But is it a libertarian boondoggle?
Chris Lehmann
Third Party Time ... Out
The quadrennial debate begins.
Joel Bleifuss
Yoopers Have Road Rage
Michiganders are up in arms about a proposed mining road
Kari Lydersen
Our Anger, Ourselves
Mary Dore's documentary, 'She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,' reminds us of '70s feminism's daring and creativity
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Jihadis Invade London
We are no wiser as to who indoctrinated 'Jihadi John.'
Jane Miller
Asghar Farhadi’s Early Masterpiece
Through a seaside mystery, About Elly explores the irrational rules placed on women in Iran.
Michael Atkinson
PHOTO-ESSAY: Caravan of the Mutilated
Having lost limbs on the dangerous trip across Mexico, 13 Hondurans sought an audience with President Obama—but are instead facing deportation.
Joseph Sorrentino
A Black Woman Traces Her Nazi Heritage
In My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me, adoptee Jennifer Teege recounts her journey of discovery after learning her biological grandfather was mass murderer Amon Goeth.
Erin Aubry Kaplan
Could Elizabeth Warren Really Run Against Hillary Clinton?
Some are holding out for a progressive alternative to a Clinton coronation.
Jessica Stites
Ready for a Woman, But Not Hillary Clinton
She may be a feminist, but Hillary Clinton's policies and demeanor fit nicely with the old boys' club on Capitol Hill.
Susan J. Douglas
In Chicago’s Mayoral Election, the Austerity Agenda Went Unopposed By Both Emanuel and Garcia
Chicago's progressive movement needs to do more to advance a real alternative to austerity economics.
Saqib Bhatti
From Moral Victories to Tangible Ones
Jesus "Chuy" Garcia’s defeat was crushing. But Chicago progressives won, at the very least, a moral victory. Or maybe much more.
Rick Perlstein
Harvard Feels the Heat on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
It's not Al Gore's movement anymore. Student activists are bringing a new militancy to the fight against climate change.
Kate Aronoff

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