
With Rahm Out, Chicago’s Black Youth Demand Mayoral Candidates Side With Communities—Not Police
A community survey says residents don’t want a police academy on Chicago’s West Side. Six mayoral candidates weigh in.
Isabel Bloom
Top Dems Claim Concern Over Yemen War—Why Aren’t They Backing a Measure To End It?
Some of the most influential Democrats in the House are refusing to throw their early support behind a new push to end U.S. participation in the Saudi-led war on Yemen.
Shireen Al-Adeimi and Sarah Lazare
The Increasing Irrelevancy of the Conservative Think Tank
The Heritage Foundation’s star is falling—and left think tanks are on the rise.
Jason Stahl
The Left Wave Keeps Growing with Democratic Socialist Julia Salazar’s Insurgent Win
Salazar won a stunning victory in New York by running on an ambitious left platform—and never shying away from challenging capitalism.
Amir Khafagy and Miles Kampf-Lassin
The Test Facing Democratic Socialist Julia Salazar in New York
Amid controversy, Salazar is working to make her state senate race against a real estate-backed incumbent about vision and policy.
Nick Vachon
Trump’s Heartless Honduras Policy, in 15 Numbers
By revoking Temporary Protected Status (TPS), the Trump administration is sending Honduran immigrants back to a nation in crisis.
Sasha Kramer
Black Feminism Will Save Us All
Why we desperately need real intersectional feminism.
Premilla Nadasen
How Radical Black Socialists Paved the Way for Andrew Gillum and Other Left Insurgents
Gillum and other left challengers are winning on an economic agenda pushed for decades by black-led social movements.
Eli Day
We Are Witnessing the Last Gasps of Centrism
While the Democratic establishment is blindly attempting to revive the neoliberal Third Way, the party's base is embracing socialism.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Mariame Kaba: Social Movements Brought Down Rahm—Now They Can Transform Chicago
A conversation with writer and organizer, Mariame Kaba.
Sarah Lazare
Seeking Justice for Laquan McDonald—Without Relying on Prisons
Locking up killer cop, Jason Van Dyke, won't address the root cause of his violence.
Benji Hart
Rehabilitating a Monster: George W. Bush and the Bankruptcy of Civility Politics
On the laundering of a war criminal.
Roqayah Chamseddine
Mayor 1% Rahm Emanuel Will Not Be Missed in Chicago
Emanuel will be remembered for his arrogance, impatience and disregard for regular Chicagoans.
Kari Lydersen
After Rahm Emanuel’s Neoliberal Nightmare, the Next Chicago Mayor Must Embrace Reparations
Emanuel's pro-corporate policies ravaged Black and Latinx communities across Chicago. His successor will be tasked with reversing this trend.
Saqib Bhatti
Why Is Planned Parenthood Endorsing a White Man with a Shaky Record Over a Pro-Choice Black Woman?
Kerri Evelyn Harris is gaining momentum in an insurgent campaign to oust centrist Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Delaware), who voted for the "partial birth" abortion ban. But she won't have the help of Planned Parenthood.
Mekdes Maryam Amare
Meet Mariah Parker, One of the Young, Radical Women of Color Rescuing the Democratic Party
26-year-old Mariah Parker, who won an upset victory for Athens, Georgia, county commissioner, shows how progressive Democrats can bring together the struggles for racial and economic justice.
Eli Day
Why Is #Resistance Dem J.B. Pritzker’s Family Hotel Chain Hosting an Anti-Muslim Hate Group?
If he really wants to stand up to Trump’s bigoted agenda, Pritzker should demand Hyatt cancel the meeting of the racist group.
Saqib Bhatti
Why the DNC’s Superdelegate Reforms Were a Major Victory for the Sanders Wing
From stripping power from superdelegates to enforcing financial oversight, backers of Bernie Sanders scored a number of huge wins at the DNC summer meeting. And they could have a major impact in 2020.
Branko Marcetic
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