
On Tuesday, Oaklanders Will Decide Whether Landlords Can Evict Them for No Reason
In a city that has become ground zero for gentrification, black working-class tenants are leading a fight to stay in their homes.
Eli Day
Yes, Voter Suppression Is Real. But Young Voters May Bridge the Gap.
The midterms are rigged against people of color and the poor.
Joel Bleifuss
The GOP’s Latest Red-Baiting Tactic? Tying a Democratic Challenger to In These Times.
In a desperate move, Colorado Republican Rep. Scott Tipton is attempting to paint his opponent Diane Mitsch Bush as a socialist threat because she subscribed to In These Times.
Jim Naureckas
Digital Smoke Signals in the 2018 Midterms
Stephanie Woodard
A Spectre Is Haunting the White House: Why the Trump Administration Is So Scared of Socialism
A new report from the Trump White House attempts to curb the growth of socialism in the United States. Clearly, the administration sees the movement as a real threat.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Socialists Versus Landlords
Los Angeles DSA is harnessing anger over skyrocketing rent to get nonvoters to the polls in November.
David Dayen
What Russiagate Skeptics Get Wrong
The Left can call for military deescalation while still holding Putin accountable for electoral meddling.
John Feffer
Democratic Socialist Jovanka Beckles Could Upset Buffy ‘the Bernie Slayer’ Wicks in CA
Beckles is running in the East Bay on a solidly left-wing platform and her campaign is gaining steam ahead of the November 6 election.
Keisa Reynolds
Why I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russiagate
Mueller won’t save us from the deep flaws in our democracy that brought us Trump.
Jessica Stites
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Have Been Getting Away With Murder for Years
Saudi Arabia's alleged killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has forced the kingdom's brutality into the media spotlight. Meanwhile, the war on Yemen has taken a back seat.
Roqayah Chamseddine
Trump’s Space Force Is No Joke
China, Russia, and the U.S. are already militarizing space. Here’s why that’s dangerous.
Branko Marcetic
The Case For Giving Every American $25 “Democracy Vouchers” For Every Election
Refusing corporate donations is just a start—we need real campaign finance reform to revive democracy. A radical experiment in Seattle may point the way forward.
Adam Eichen
The Discourse on Palestine Is Shifting. Will Concrete Policy Changes Follow?
The conversation is still overwhelmingly one-sided. But that's slowly changing thanks to the hard work of activists.
Phyllis Bennis
The Philippine President Is Waging a Ruthless War on Drugs—And the U.S. Is Complicit
The International People’s Tribunal found that President Rodrigo Duterte is responsible for grave human rights violations.
Azadeh Shahshahani
F*ck Columbus: Let’s Honor the Indigenous Communities Leading the Way on Climate Justice
As the legacy of colonialism destroys our environment, Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of fighting back.
Jade Begay
It’s Time for the Left To Unite Behind Bernie 2020
He’s popular, principled and there are no better options.
Briahna Gray
Don’t Endorse Bernie Yet—Make Candidates Compete for the Left Vote
Keep the left lane open.
Sean McElwee
The Inside-Outside Approach to Bernie 2020
Endorse, but play the long game.
Peter Frase
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