
Don’t ‘Arquette’ Hillary Clinton
Will Clinton's 2016 campaign, like in 2008, be used to pit women and people of color against each other (as though the two don't overlap)?
Andrea Plaid
Third Party Time ... Out
The quadrennial debate begins.
Joel Bleifuss
The Two Faces of Evo
The Bolivian president gives to the poor but takes from the environment
Linda Farthing
Can Ferguson’s Black Community Claim Political Power?
Rev. and Missouri state Rep. Tommie Pierson, who has found himself in the eye of the storm, reflects on Ferguson's recent elections and the DOJ report.
Emmett Rensin
Could Elizabeth Warren Really Run Against Hillary Clinton?
Some are holding out for a progressive alternative to a Clinton coronation.
Jessica Stites
Rahm Emanuel Agrees to $5.5 Million in Reparations for Police Torture Survivors
After a decades-long battle by survivors and advocates, Chicago is poised to finally address a dark legacy.
Keisa Reynolds
Ready for a Woman, But Not Hillary Clinton
She may be a feminist, but Hillary Clinton's policies and demeanor fit nicely with the old boys' club on Capitol Hill.
Susan J. Douglas
From Moral Victories to Tangible Ones
Jesus "Chuy" Garcia’s defeat was crushing. But Chicago progressives won, at the very least, a moral victory. Or maybe much more.
Rick Perlstein
The Appeal of the UK’s Radical Right
UKIP is reaching the 'left behind' white working class.
Jane Miller
BREAKING: In Chicago, Reports of Voters Receiving Ballots Already Marked for Emanuel
After a Facebook post suggested voting irregularities blew up, similar reports are emerging.
Rick Perlstein
Is Chicago Finally Tired of Rahm Emanuel?
Emanuel might conceivably lose—a previously unthinkable notion—in his bid for a second term of Chicago's mayor.
John R. MacArthur
Darth Rahm vs. The Chuy Rebellion
Jesús "Chuy" Garcia's meteoric rise could land him the mayorship if only he can channel the force—record voter turnout among Chicago's disenfranchised.
Ethan Michaeli
Whither Argumentation?: A Response to Louis Nayman
Every direct reference to the exclusive right of one group, based on its mythic and historical past, is a precursor to a justification of brutal power, a version of “might is right.”
Slavoj Žižek
Europe’s Revolt Against Austerity
Syriza is part of a wave of anti-austerity leftism in Europe, much of it led by young people.
Bhaskar Sunkara
“He Sold Us Out”: Activists Fuming Over Bob Fioretti’s “Come to Rahm” Moment Endorsing Mayor Emanuel
The former progressive mayoral critic has come out in support of Rahm Emanuel, which some former allies see as a gross betrayal.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
To Catch a Torturer: One Attorney’s 28-Year Pursuit of Racist Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge
A human rights attorney looks back at his nearly three decades going after Chicago's notorious torturer of African-American men.
Flint Taylor
The SEC’s Danger of Regulatory Capture
How the "cozying up" at the SEC is just another example of regulatory capture.
David Sirota
South Side Man Who Posed Stone-faced with Mayor on Instagram: Rahm Emanuel is a Horrible Tipper
The health food store employee and a coworker say Mayor Emanuel is a notoriously bad tipper, and once left a 37-cent tip on a seven-dollar shake.
Micah Uetricht
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