The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

These Teachers Refuse to Be Weaponized
Michelle Chen
Guns Have Always Been Vital to Black Political Struggle
From slave revolts to self-defense, Black revolutionary history is often ignored in the gun control conversation.
Charles Cobb Jr.
The Trump Admin’s Infrastructure Plan Doubles Down on a System That Doesn’t Work
Hunter Blair, Economic Policy Institute
Rural America
Hey Liberal, You’re Late, but Welcome to the Local-Control Party
Thomas Linzey
How a Small City in Pennsylvania Became A White Nationalist Target
Energized by Trump, outright white supremacists are moving from the fringes into active roles in local Pennsylvania politics.
Michael Deibert
And the Oscar for Best Protest Goes To…
Awards show activism, then and now.
Joel Bleifuss
We Can Fight for Gun Control Without Locking People Up
Solutions rooted in policing and prisons just contribute to a culture of violence.
Daniel Denvir
What Italy’s “Potere al Popolo” Can Teach Us About Building a Popular Party of the Left
This party is rejecting the false choice between a Europe united under the misery of austerity, or one united under the horrors of racism and bigotry.
Valentina Dallona
3 Democratic Campaigns Now Have Staff Unions. Why Not More?
Kate Aronoff
Rural America
Why Progressives Need to Rethink the Rural-Urban Divide and Build a Coalition
Sarah van Gelder
Cooperative Banking for Black Lives
After facing decades of disinvestment and targeting by powerful financial institutions, African-American-owned credit unions could offer a way to build economic power and grow black wealth.
Valerie Vande Panne
Chicago’s Far South Side Is Finally Getting a Train—And It’s Thanks to Decades of Organizing
Residents hope the transit extension will shorten commutes and bring much-needed jobs.
Patrick Corley
5 Reasons Mexican Workers Would Cheer the Demise of NAFTA
Manuel Perez Rocha
West Virginia Teachers Are Showing How Unions Can Win Power Even If They Lose Janus
Lois Weiner
Rural America
With the USDA’s Blessing, CAFOs Are Driving Organic Dairy Farmers Out of Business
Jim Goodman
When It Comes to the Fake News Scourge, Russia Doesn’t Hold a Candle to U.S. Conservative Media
The panic over Russian interference obscures the fact that fake news has always been with us—it’s just been pushed by the American Right.
Branko Marcetic
While Democrats Call for Gun Control at Home, They Push Deadly Arms Deals Abroad
To seriously address the scourge of gun violence, we must oppose U.S. militarism around the globe. Many leading Democrats haven’t gotten the message.
Adam Johnson
Rural America
Standing Rock Felony Defendants Take Plea Deals, Still Face Years in Prison
Joseph Bullington
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