The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

How Bernie Sanders Put Socialism to Work in Burlington: A Profile from 1983
Sanders sailed to reelection as mayor of Burlington after transforming supposedly conservative issues into left victories, and helping democratize city government. In this 1983 profile, Sanders delves into why he believes “the word ‘socialism’ has value” and “politics is not dissimilar to art.”
David Moberg
Joan Walsh to Young Bernie Sanders Supporters: Get Off My Lawn
Walsh's anger sounds like a diatribe against a rude, “barely shaving,” teen for not properly respecting his elder.
Matt Bruenig
Donald Trump and the Aesthetics of Fascism
What a 20th-century Marxist art critic can teach us about a very 21st-century candidate.
Alexander Billet
Rural America
Cattle, Guns, Birds and Boredom: Inside the Oregon Occupation
John Collins
Forget Techno-Optimism: We Can’t Innovate Our Way Out of Inequality
Hillary Clinton's former 'senior advisor for innovation' sees our Uber-ized future through rose-colored glasses
Chris Lehmann
Loyola Students Face Discipline for On-Campus Protest, Say Univ. Violating Social Justice Commitment
Branko Marcetic
Did a Virginia School for Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Staff’s Children Fire Teachers for Organizing?
Bruce Vail
Donald Rumsfeld Has a New App Coming Out. Lord Help Us All.
Matt Bors
Michigan GOP Gov. Rick Snyder Values Big Business More Than Children’s Lives
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
The Group of Artists That’s Winning Fair Pay By Targeting Nonprofits
Organizing artists can be like herding cats. That hasn't stopped WAGE from fighting for fair pay for art.
Tom Ladendorf
Chicago Window Workers Who Occupied Their Factory in 2008 Win New Bankruptcy Payout
Kari Lydersen
Paul Krugman Is Wrong About Bernie Sanders—and About How Social Change Works
Bernie isn't some kind of wild-eyed radical. He's actually the most pragmatic candidate in the race.
Gabriel Hetland
PBS’s ‘The Mine Wars’ Shows West Virginia’s Militant, Radical Labor History
David Moberg
Liberal Pundits Aren’t Amused By Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Anymore—They’re Terrified
In recent weeks, major liberal pundits are putting in overtime to freshen their case against Bernie Sanders, urging citizen's to ignore their conscience and quit screwing with the interests of the moneyed elite.
Kevin Gosztola
UNITE HERE New England Union Locals Endorse Bernie Sanders: He “Resonates With Our Members”
Mario Vasquez
How Bernie Sanders Could Actually Pull Off an Upset in South Carolina
Surprising numbers of South Carolinians like Bernie—if they've heard of him
David Moberg
How ‘Friedrichs’ Could Actually Unleash Unions from Decades of Free Speech Restrictions
Shaun Richman
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy: The Man Who Drowned Democracy in ‘Citizens United’
What a legacy.
Joe Conason
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