The Wisconsin Idea

Daycare Centers Are the Latest Casualty in the War on the Poor
The budget crisis in Illinois has taken an outsized toll on kids in low-income families.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
Democrats’ Waffling on Abortion Rights Isn’t Just Wrong, It’s a Huge Political Mistake
The party needs an uncompromising moral vision that will energize its base: pro-choice women.
Kathleen Geier
Why “Pay for Success” Financing Could Cost Taxpayers More Than They Bargained For
Cash-strapped governments are increasingly turning to Wall Street to fund social services. Will the model be a Trojan horse for privatization?
Rachel M. Cohen
OSHA Under Trump Is Tight-Lipped—Democratic Senators Demand To Know Why
Paul Feldman, Fair Warning
Why We Should Stop Using the Word “Activist”
Contesting power isn't a hobby or a subculture—it's a collective project pervading all facets of our lives.
Jonathan Matthew Smucker
Jeremy Corbyn’s Judgment Day
The June 8 election is critical for Labour's future.
Jane Miller
How Poor Children Are Bearing the Brunt of Austerity Cuts
The Illinois budget impasse is being used to erode childhood development programs for poor families.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
Nursing Home Workers Win Big After Threatening to Strike: “We Have the Power Now”
David Moberg
What Happens When You Put Adult Education on the Chopping Block
The Illinois budget crisis is causing extreme cuts to adult education and literacy programs.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films
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