The Wisconsin Idea

The Historic Budget Crisis That’s Threatening the Future of Public Colleges and Universities
Illinois’ budget standoff poses an existential threat to public higher education in the state.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films

Rural America
How Chicken Farmers are Getting Clucked in a Supermarket Near You

Trumpcare 2.0 Is a Death Bill. It’s Time to Fight for the System We Want.
Meaghan LaSala

Meet the Workers Who Took Overnight Buses to Bring the Fight for 15 to McDonald’s Stockholders
Stephen Franklin

Don’t Mine What’s Ours
How a public-lands populism can fight Trump and the GOP.
Dayton Martindale

How the Threat of Apocalypse Justifies American Empire
A new book argues that in the military's hands, warnings of world's end become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Chris Lehmann

Puerto Rico’s Longest-Held Political Prisoner Just Walked Out of U.S. Prison
Oscar López Rivera was welcomed home by large crowds in the Chicago neighborhood where he once lived.
Martín Xavi Macías

Rural America
Four Academics from Texas Give Us the Lowdown on Energy Markets
The Conversation

The Surprising Cross-Partisan Appeal of Single-Payer Healthcare
Where Trump voters and socialists agree.
Theo Anderson