The Wisconsin Idea

New Study Finds “More Sweatshops than Starbucks” in Chicago
Jeff Schuhrke

War Profiteering Ain’t Physics
Even Trump can't buck the iron law of U.S. foreign policy: Follow the money.
Leonard C. Goodman

Rural America
6 Reasons Local Food Systems Will Replace Our Industrial Model
John Ikerd

Sanctuary in the Streets: How New Alliances Are Revitalizing a Past Movement
A revitalized sanctuary movement is spreading to unexpected places, resisting the threats posed by Trump’s presidency.
Yana Kunichoff

Interviews for Resistance: On the Commodification of Education
Sarah Jaffe

The Progressive Movement Just Scored a Huge Win in Philly’s DA Race
Larry Krasner’s victory was a referendum on Trump as well as on a whole host of issues that predate the president: immigrant rights, the war on drugs and mass incarceration.
Joseph Bullington

Republicans Will Turn the NLRB into a Force for Union Busting. We Can Turn It Back.
Shaun Richman

When the Bankers Took Manhattan: Austerity’s New York Roots
The new book Fear City documents the slide of New York City from vibrant social democracy to neoliberal abyss.
Moe Tkacik

The Impeachment Trap: Be Careful What You Wish For
Trump is odious, but impeachment is dangerous—both for the Democrats and the progressive movement.
Jeff Alson