The Wisconsin Idea

What Happens When You Put Adult Education on the Chopping Block
The Illinois budget crisis is causing extreme cuts to adult education and literacy programs.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films

Homelessness and Austerity: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Budget cuts to housing and social welfare programs are exacerbating the homelessness crisis.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films

Rural America
News Flash: Wage Workers and Immigrants Didn’t Create Our “Corporate Kleptocracy”
Jim Hightower

Illinois Offers Devastating Preview of Trump-Style Cuts to ‘Meals on Wheels’
The state's budget crisis has eroded the food security of low-income seniors.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films

Interviews for Resistance: From Resistance to Revolution—It’s Time To Switch to Offense
An organizer talks about what it takes to move from a reactionary position to one where we fight for the power to govern.
Sarah Jaffe

To Impeach or Not To Impeach? That Is Not the Question.
The problems with the GOP are far greater than any one figurehead.
Marilyn Katz

Teachers Call Off Work in Philadelphia Contract Campaign
Samantha Winslow

How Budget Cuts Endanger At-Risk Youth
The budget standoff in Illinois is threatening the state's most vulnerable residents.
In These Times and Kartemquin Films

First Charter School Teacher Strike in U.S. History Narrowly Averted by Last-Minute Agreement
Jeff Schuhrke