The Wisconsin Idea

The U.S. Spends Millions Funding Central America’s Drug War. A New Report Says It Hasn’t Worked
Militarized law enforcement may have done more damage to human rights than it has to crime rates.
Parker Asmann
This is How You Win: A Guided Tour of the Campaign at City College of San Francisco
Michael McCown
Welcome To The Next Incarnation of the Bernie Sanders Campaign
Our Revolution has big ambitions, but is still figuring out its role within the movement.
Kate Aronoff and Ethan Corey
The GOP Wants To Blame Black Misery on Democratic Mayors. Here’s Why That’s Wrong.
It is intellectually dishonest to imply that state and federal policies do not play an outsize role in the condition of urban black communities.
James Thindwa
Inside the Tax-Avoidance Racket of “Wealth Management”
A sociologist's new book reveals how the ultra-rich starve public coffers and undermine democracy.
Chris Lehmann
How the U.S. Government Has Used 9/11 to Criminalize People of Color
In the 15 years since the attacks, heightened surveillance and security have cracked down on Muslims and immigrants.
Azadeh Shahshahani and Stephanie Guilloud
Rural America
Despite Record Yields, Farm Sector Profits are Forecast to Decline for the Third Straight Year
John Collins
Liberal Pundits Once Championed Government Transparency—Then Hillary Clinton Ran For President
Matt Yglesias and Kevin Drum have suddenly come out against open government, betraying a long journalistic legacy.
Branko Marcetic
BREAKING: Obama Administration Steps In to Halt Dakota Access Pipeline—For Now
After months of protest by Native tribes, the federal government has issued an order to stop the pipeline, reversing a judge's ruling made earlier in the day.
Kate Aronoff
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