Working In These Times

Obama Promises $10.10 an Hour to Federal Contract Workers, But Details Are Fuzzy
Bruce Vail

Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay, Say UMass Amherst Professors
Jeff Schuhrke

Disney’s Magic Kingdom Losing Its Sparkle For Workers
Bruce Vail

Coal Spill Puts Spotlight on Colombia’s Labor and Environmental Struggles
Michelle Chen

Capitalists for a Higher Minimum Wage
Michelle Chen

Protestors Brave Sub-Zero Weather in Bid To Freeze Chicago’s Charter Expansion
Matthew Blake

Labor Finds an Unlikely Savior in Scalia
Moshe Z. Marvit

Our Home Is Not a Dumping Ground, Say Chicago’s Southeast Side Residents
Kari Lydersen

In Memphis, Locked-Out Kellogg Workers Evoke MLK’s Legacy
Steve Payne

British Soccer Clubs Have the Chance To Level the Playing Field
George Lavender

New York’s All-Day Pre-K Plan: Good News for Teachers?
Michelle Chen

Mistakes of West, Texas Repeated In West Virginia
Mike Elk

Billboards Pave the Way for a Fight for 15 in Los Angeles
Rose Arrieta

Despite Violence, Cambodian Workers Vow To Continue Their Fight
Michelle Chen

Political Implications of Noel Canning? The Supreme Court Doesn’t Want to Hear It
Moshe Z. Marvit

Maryland Unions Hit Jobs Jackpot with New Casinos
Bruce Vail

Employees at Koch-Owned Georgia-Pacific Can Now Tweet About Work Without Fear
Mike Elk

Dignitary’s Maid Reveals Indignities of Domestic Work
Michelle Chen