Working In These Times

Recycling May Ease Your Conscience, But for Workers, It’s Dirty, Dangerous and Even Deadly
Brian Joseph

Chicago Fast Food Workers Join International Protests for $15 an Hour and a Union
David Moberg

Employee of Federal Agency That Protects Whistleblowers Claims Retaliation
Stuart Silverstein

The ‘Friedrichs’ Supreme Court Case Was Not About Union Dues
Bill Fletcher, Jr.

New Report: 90 Percent of the World’s Domestic Workers Lack Social Security Protection
Elizabeth Grossman

After Contract Talks Break Down, Nearly 40,000 Verizon Workers Set To Strike Tomorrow
David Moberg

Labor Notes Conference Gathers Over 2,000 ‘Troublemaker’ Workers and Organizers in Chicago
David Moberg

Why the Labor Movement Must Join the Anti-Racist Struggle To Make Black Lives Matter
Andrew Tillett-Saks

American and Palestinian Unionists Build International Solidarity To Win ‘Freedom’ for Palestine
Jeff Schuhrke

Immigrant Activists Call for AFL-CIO To Expel Border Patrol Union After Donald Trump Endorsement
Mario Vasquez

Despite Major Legislative Advances, Colombian Domestic Workers Still Suffer
Anna-Cat Brigida

Martin Luther King Was Assassinated On This Day in 1968—While Fighting For Unions
Peter Cole

Low-wage Workers Don’t Need $15 an Hour in 2020. They Need $15 Right Now.
Jonathan Rosenblum, Alternet

Nashville Voted To Give Poor People, Locals New Construction Jobs. But the State GOP Blocked It.
Spencer Woodman

Despite School District’s Legal Threats, Chicago Teachers Stage One-Day Political Strike
Rebecca Burns and David Moberg

Chicago Airport Workers Join 9-City Strike Demanding Higher Wages and a Union
Branko Marcetic

A Chicago Teacher Explains Why She’s Going on a Potentially Illegal Strike Tomorrow
Micah Uetricht

These Workers Are Fighting To Keep Your North Face Jacket From Being Made for Poverty Wages
Alex Lubben