Sarah Lazare is the editor of Workday Magazine and a contributing editor for In These Times. She tweets at @sarahlazare.

Big Pharma’s Big Lie About Vaccine Patents
Companies say that sharing vaccine recipes wouldn't boost manufacturing soon enough, but now we know that's not true.
Sarah Lazare and Paige Oamek

Sorry, Biden: There Is No “National Security” Solution to the Climate Crisis
The Biden administration is turning to agencies like the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security to shore up climate action.
Sarah Lazare

He Exposed Colombia’s Vaccine Contracts with Big Pharma. Then the Right Came for Him.
What the case of Camilo Enciso reveals about the power of pharmaceutical companies.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero

Report Reveals the IMF's Hidden Fees, and How Desperate Countries Pay the Most
Little-known "surcharges" are adding to cash-strapped countries' mountains of IMF debt.
Sarah Lazare

A Landmark Win for Domestic Workers Lurks in the Reconciliation Bill
$190 billion for home care has been folded into reconciliation—toward measures aimed at improving pay and job security for domestic workers.
Maurizio Guerrero and Sarah Lazare

U.S. Says It Supports a Covid Vaccine Patent Waiver, But Document Reveals It Is Dragging Feet at WTO
Global health advocates say a patent waiver would ease access to Covid vaccines, but the U.S. declined to support as-is a proposal to greenlight the waiver, a summary of a September 14 WTO meeting shows.
Sarah Lazare

Imagine If We Had Spent the Last 20 Years Fighting Climate Change Instead of the War on Terror
At the dawn of the new millennium, we directed our national resources in the exact wrong direction. But it's not too late to turn things around.
Sarah Lazare

Afghan Activist: We All Deserve Refuge, Not Just Those Who Served the U.S.
"This was a stupid occupation and invasion where nobody received anything," says Afghan activist Nematullah Ahangosh.
Sarah Lazare

Military Contractor CACI Says Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Hurting Its Profits. It's Funding a Pro-War Think Tank.
What CACI reveals about the feedback loop between military contractors and think tanks.
Sarah Lazare

We Can’t Let the Generals Who Lied About the Afghanistan War Define Its Legacy
The U.S. architects of the ruinous war are getting the last word on its “lessons.”
Sarah Lazare

This Obscure Financial Tool Could Help Global South Countries That Are Drowning in the Pandemic
Here's why some of the IMF's biggest critics are calling on it to issue "special drawing rights."
Sarah Lazare

Democratic Leaders Are Finger-Wagging Over the IPCC Report. They Should Look To Themselves.
If Democrats really heeded the warning of the IPCC report, they'd end the fossil fuel industry.
Sarah Lazare

Congress Tried To Force Trump to End the Yemen War. Now They’ll Have To Do the Same With Biden.
Activists say it's not enough to trust Biden's promises to end U.S. support for the war: Congress must compel him.
Sarah Lazare

Big Pharma Is Deciding Who Lives and Who Dies in the Global South
The chilling effect of the pharmaceutical industry's veiled threats.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero

U.S. Media Outlets Are Still Banging the Drums for the Afghanistan War
Major press outlets are trying to goad Biden into staying in Afghanistan.
Sarah Lazare

Biden Says He’s Ending the Yemen War—But It's Too Soon to Celebrate
The details of Biden’s Yemen war announcement are what matter. Those are still not clear.
Shireen Al-Adeimi and Sarah Lazare

The “Essential Worker” Swindle
How this label is used to justify a social order in which workers are abused, discarded and left to die.
Sarah Lazare

Biden Must Reject Trump’s “Vaccine Apartheid” Policy at the WTO
The president-elect pledged to combat racism. But he’s been mum about an urgent racial injustice taking place on a global scale.
Sarah Lazare

Equating White Nationalists and "Left Radicals" Is What Got Us Here in the First Place
Media outlets and politicians are baselessly claiming the pro-Trump crowd was made up of "socialists," "anarchists," and "antifa." Here's why that's so dangerous.
Sarah Lazare

2020 Exposed the Myth of American “Security”
The “security state” not only failed to keep us safe, but worsened the coronavirus pandemic and unleashed violence on the people hardest hit.
Sarah Lazare

Pfizer Helped Create the Global Patent Rules. Now it's Using Them to Undercut Access to the Covid Vaccine.
The pharmaceutical company is opposing a proposal at the World Trade Organization to expand vaccine access to poor countries.
Sarah Lazare

Biden’s Defense Secretary Pick Shows the Revolving Door for Military Contractors Remains
Industry ties were simply taken for granted in Biden’s defense secretary sweepstakes.
Sarah Lazare

Congress Is Deadlocked on Covid Relief But Came Together to Fund the Pentagon for $740 Billion
There is always money for war.
Sarah Lazare

Biden's Foreign Policy Picks Are From the Hawkish National Security Blob. That Is a Bad Sign.
Biden's incoming team helped shape some of the most militaristic policies of the Obama administration.
Sarah Lazare

The Women Activists Rejecting Biden’s Pro-War “Feminism”
Why anti-war feminists don't want hawkish women like Michèle Flournoy in positions of power.
Sarah Lazare

One Third of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Hails From Organizations Financed by the Weapons Industry
The president-elect is drawing from hawkish think tanks funded by arms companies.
Sarah Lazare

This Democrat Is Vying for a Powerful Foreign Affairs Role. His Ties To Right-Wing Groups in Colombia Could Haunt Him.
Rep. Gregory Meeks worked with Colombian politicians tied to right-wing paramilitaries to help push for a corporate-friendly "free trade" deal.
Sarah Lazare and Maurizio Guerrero

Joe Biden Said He's Against the Yemen War. He Needs To End It on Day One.
Here's what Biden can do to halt all U.S. assistance to the onslaught he helped start.
Sarah Lazare

How Bipartisan Anti-China Rhetoric Is Being Used to Increase U.S. Military Spending
Republicans and Democrats are using the “menace” of China to justify pouring billions into the Pentagon's budget.
Sarah Lazare

The Terrifying Alliance Between End Times Christian Zionists and Donald Trump
This far-right Christian organization wants to use foreign policy to pursue the end times—and it has an ally in Trump.
Sarah Lazare

"We're Out Here Choking To Death": What It's Like Being Homeless on the Front Lines of the Climate Fires
A conversation with a homeless street medic working to save lives in San Francisco.
Sarah Lazare

"Colonizing the Atmosphere": How Rich, Western Nations Drive the Climate Crisis
New analysis finds the Global North is responsible for 92% of all excess global carbon dioxide emissions, while the Global South bears the brunt of the devastation.
Sarah Lazare

Anti-War Veteran Is Furious Trump Is Twisting His Video Protesting Biden's Iraq War Record
Air Force veteran is demanding Trump stop sharing a dated video of him confronting Biden.
Sarah Lazare

Inside the Endless Nightmare of Indefinite Detention Under “Civil Commitment”
After serving their criminal sentence, these men discover their punishment may never be over.
Sarah Lazare

The Search for a Covid Vaccine Is Not an Arms Race
Treating vaccine research like a national security secret endangers us all.
Sarah Lazare

The Forgotten History of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left
A conversation with scholar Benjamin Balthaser about Jewish, working-class anti-Zionism in the 1930s and '40s.
Sarah Lazare

First You Bomb and Starve a Country. Then You’re Praised for Sending in Aid.
The perverse diplomatic charade of Saudi Arabia starting a fire then getting credit for providing fire blankets.
Sarah Lazare

Union President Says Minneapolis Is Trying to Punish Transit Workers Who Wouldn’t Help the Police
Sarah Lazare

The National Guard Crushes Protests Just Like the Military Does
Democratic mayors and governors who oppose Trump's threat to send in the military should take their own advice and end National Guard deployments.
Sarah Lazare

Amid Minneapolis Uprising, Anti-War Veterans Call On National Guard to Stand Down
"We urge you to have the courage to do the right thing. Refuse activation orders."
Sarah Lazare

Asian-American Groups Demand Biden Take Down His ‘Anti-China’ Ad
Progressive organizations condemn Biden for contributing to a climate of anti-Asian racism and belligerence.
Sarah Lazare

Trump’s “Reopening” Is a Red Herring
We should not concede the language of “reopening” to right-wing liars who are sending poor people to their death.
Sarah Lazare

Look at How Much Sense It Makes to Do the Green New Deal Right Now
We can get out of this depression and save the planet all at once.
Sarah Lazare

The Pentagon Wants Workers in Other Countries to Risk Their Lives for U.S. Arms Industry Profits
Sarah Lazare

Right-Wing Think Tanks Are Using Covid-19 To Push War with Iran
The Foundation for Defense of Democracies and American Enterprise Institute are aggressively campaigning for military escalation and a tightening of sanctions.
Sarah Lazare

Koch-Funded Think Tanks Are Lobbying to Send Workers to Their Deaths
Sarah Lazare

Joe Biden’s Cowardly Position on Iran Sanctions
The presumptive Democratic nominee is failing to call for sanctions to be lifted, even if just for the duration of the pandemic.
Sarah Lazare

As the World Economy Grinds to a Halt, the U.S. War Machine Churns On
Weapons manufacturers get a life raft while the rest of us drown.
Sarah Lazare