Sarah Lazare is the editor of Workday Magazine and a contributing editor for In These Times. She tweets at @sarahlazare.

As Sanctions Kill Iranians Stricken With COVID-19, Democratic Leaders Are Silent
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are calling on Trump to curb the suffering. Where is Democratic leadership?
Sarah Lazare

The GOP Is Exploiting Fears of Rising Suicides to Protect Wall Street Profits
If Republicans really cared about stopping deaths of despair, they’d advocate for a robust social safety net.
Sarah Lazare

We Should Be Very Wary About the Growing Military Response to the Coronavirus Crisis
The reliance on the military for emergency response is a testament to the failures of the U.S. welfare state.
Sarah Lazare

Illinois Prisoners Say They Don’t Have Access to Hand Sanitizer, Cleaning Supplies or Soap
Illinois state prisons are a coronavirus time bomb, activists warn.
Sarah Lazare

U.S. Sanctions on Iran Are Increasing Coronavirus Deaths. They Need to Be Stopped Now.
The measures—imposed by Trump with bipartisan complicity—curtail desperately needed medical supplies.
Sarah Lazare

Coronavirus Shows Capitalism Is a Razor’s Edge
Sarah Lazare

There Have Been 21 Debate Questions About Paying For Social Programs, Zero About Paying For War
Democratic debate moderators are sending the message that we can afford policies that spread militarism—but not those that protect human life.
Sarah Lazare

Bernie Sanders Is the Only Leading Presidential Candidate Publicly Opposing the Patriot Act
Many Democrats are still acquiescing to a George W. Bush-era policy that has been in place for nearly 20 years.
Sarah Lazare

Buttigieg and Centrist Dems Want a Military Response to Climate Change. That’s Dangerous.
The Pentagon sees climate victims as threats.
Sarah Lazare

War Is an Enormous Threat to the Climate Movement
Unless challenged, U.S. military power imperils any serious response to the climate crisis.
Sarah Lazare

The 2020s Has To Be the Decade We Stop Climate Change—Not Start Another War
We can't let Trump's belligerence undermine the climate fight of our lives.
Sarah Lazare

CAP Publicly Distanced Itself From the UAE. 8 Months Later, It Was Still Meeting with UAE Lobbyists.
A foreign policy expert at the influential think tank remained close to UAE lobbyists.
Sarah Lazare

Even in Bankruptcy, Coal Companies Can’t Stop Selling Out Workers
The industry sees its employees like it sees the Earth: Just another resource to exploit.
Sarah Lazare

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren Joins Bernie Sanders in Opposing Trump’s Massive War Budget
All other 2020 candidates have remained silent on how they will vote.
Sarah Lazare

Chicago Teachers Are Carrying the Torch of Decades of Militant Worker Struggles
Sarah Lazare

Ben Rhodes’ False Atonement for the Yemen War
Our failure to reckon with Obama-era atrocities—and why it matters.
Sarah Lazare

The Unions Backing Friday’s Global Climate Strike—And What It Means
Sarah Lazare

A Close Look at Kamala Harris’ Hawkish Foreign Policy
Harris has little to say on the subject. But her record speaks volumes.
Sarah Lazare

The Impossible Decisions Palestinians Are Forced to Make
An interview with Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
Sarah Lazare

Kentucky Miners Are Blocking a Coal Train for Back Pay. We Talked to One About a Just Transition.
Sarah Lazare

The Democratic Party’s Iran Warhawks Who Fly Under the Radar
Junior Democrats who voted against an anti-war amendment have ties to the Saudi and UAE lobbies.
Sarah Lazare

The Media Uses Coal Miners To Attack the Green New Deal—Then Ignores Their Pension Fight
In 34 stories about coal miners, the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico did not once cover miners' pension and healthcare demands.
Sarah Lazare

The Media Uses Coal Miners To Attack the Green New Deal—Then Ignores Their Pension Fight
Sarah Lazare

When It Comes to U.S. Militarism, Elizabeth Warren Is No Progressive
There's one important issue on which Warren has not veered far from the Democratic establishment.
Sarah Lazare

It’s Not Progressive To Fund Medicare for All by Agreeing to a Bloated Military
House Progressives tried to tie funding for bold social programs to the military budget, dollar for dollar. That's timid and wrongheaded.
Sarah Lazare

The Green New Deal Needs Labor’s Support. We Asked Sara Nelson How To Get It.
The president of the flight attendants union says stopping climate change and defending workers are part of the same fight.
Sarah Lazare

What It Will Take to Build Union Support for the Green New Deal—Despite the AFL-CIO
Sarah Lazare

We Have To Make Sure the “Green New Deal” Doesn’t Become Green Capitalism
A conversation with Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson.
Sarah Lazare

Nancy Pelosi Finds Time for War Hawks—But Not Yemeni-American Peace Advocates
While declining to meet with the Yemeni Alliance Committee, Pelosi has been palling around with the Israeli-American Council and the Saudi ambassador.
Sarah Lazare

Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris Both Fall Short on Abolishing Money Bail
Each of their bills is weak, although Harris' is more dangerously flawed.
Sarah Lazare

When Will Obama Aides Come Clean About U.S.-Saudi War Crimes?
Now that Saudi Arabia has become a P.R. liability, Samantha Power and Ben Rhodes have quietly condemned the war in Yemen. But when they had the power to stop it, they were complicit.
Sarah Lazare

How Pro-War Democrats Use Russiagate To Bloat the Military—And Why That’s Dangerous
Russia became the bipartisan justification for an $716 billion defense budget and nuclear build-up.
Sarah Lazare

Cook County Jail Is on Lockdown Over Van Dyke Verdict—And Activists Are Furious
“These people are being punished because a cop is going to jail? It doesn’t make sense," says activist Hesna Bokoum.
Sarah Lazare

Mariame Kaba: Social Movements Brought Down Rahm—Now They Can Transform Chicago
A conversation with writer and organizer, Mariame Kaba.
Sarah Lazare

“Why We Threw Mark Janus a Going Away Party—But Didn’t Invite Him”
Sarah Lazare

What We Mean When We Say Abolish ICE
Undocumented communities are demanding an end to devastating detentions, deportation and incarceration—not the transfer of such policies to a different agency.
Sarah Lazare

Trump’s Order Says Immigrant Families Can Be Jailed Together, But What They Deserve Is Freedom
The president's new executive order is clear: The incarceration of parents and children will continue--and likely expand.
Sarah Lazare

Liberals Are Criticizing the Korea Summit From the Right. Here’s Why They Have it All Wrong.
With an end to the 68-year Korean War finally in sight, some U.S. "progressives" are pushing Trump to be more hardline--despite the fact that Koreans overwhelmingly want peace.
Sarah Lazare

Watch This Palestinian-American Woman Crush Every Media Trope About the Gaza Protests
Noura Erakat delivers a much-needed corrective to dehumanizing U.S. media spin.
Sarah Lazare

The Historic Korean Peace Declaration Was Made Possible By Social Movements, Not Trump
A conversation with peace activist Christine Ahn.
Sarah Lazare

Senate Democrats Offer Little-to-No Opposition to Trump’s Expansion of Syria Bombings
Ninety-two percent of Senate Democrats and Independents failed to substantively dissent against Trump's April 13 airstrikes.
Sarah Lazare

It Looks Like Bill Gates’ Devotion to Child Welfare Doesn’t Extend to Children in Yemen
The billionaire philanthropist is rolling out the red carpet for Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who is overseeing the mass starvation and death of children in Yemen.
Sarah Lazare

Farmworkers to Wendy’s: No, We Didn’t “Exploit” #MeToo
Sarah Lazare

15 Years After the Invasion of Iraq, Here Are the Dems Who Just Voted for Endless War in Yemen
Senators voted today to table a measure that would withdraw U.S. support for the Saudi-led onslaught.
Sarah Lazare

This Is the Best Chance Yet to Stop the U.S. War on Yemen. Where Are the Major Human Rights Orgs?
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are declining to take a formal position against the U.S.-backed Saudi war on Yemen.
Sarah Lazare

How the Red Scare Shaped the Artificial Distinction Between Migrants and Refugees
Our modern-day definitions of displaced people emerged during the Cold War as a product of anti-communism.
Sarah Lazare

HR Has Never Been on the Side of Workers. #MeToo Is More Proof.
Sarah Lazare

J20 “Not Guilty” Verdict Deals Blow to Trump Admin and Shows the Power of Collective Defense
A defendant on why dissenters everywhere should feel emboldened by the outcome of the first trial.
Sarah Lazare