August 2019 Volume 43, Issue 08

August 2019
Breaking Up Amazon Doesn’t Go Far Enough—We Must Put It Under Public Control
Katie Parker and Adam Simpson
Socialists of Color to the Front
Eli Day
Warren and Sanders Say We Need a “Right To Repair” Tractors. Here’s Why That’s Important.
In These Times Editors
The Housing Crisis Is Worse Than You Think
In These Times Staff
The DNC Debate Rules Are Turning Small Donors Into a Racket
Christopher Hass
Here’s Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Labor
Jeremy Gantz
This Louisiana Parish Allowed a Quarter of Its Sheriff’s Deputies To Work Security for a Pipeline
Karen Savage and Sarah Lazare
The Case for Enthusiasm Over “Electability”—Or, Why We Don’t Need Another John Kerry.
In These Times Editors
How a Sewer Socialist City May Push Democrats Left in 2020
Lindsey Anderson

The Case for Enthusiasm Over “Electability”—Or, Why We Don’t Need Another John Kerry.
"Electability" didn't work in 2004 and it won't work now.
In These Times Editors

McKinsey and Company Is an Elitist Cult. Why Is Buttigieg Defending It?
The management consultancy firm is "the single greatest legitimizer of mass layoffs." And its alumni are loyal for life.
Nathan Robinson

How a Sewer Socialist City May Push Democrats Left in 2020
When presidential hopefuls arrive in Milwaukee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention, they must choose whether to embrace the city’s socialist history, or run from it.
Lindsey Anderson

Breaking Up Amazon Doesn’t Go Far Enough—We Must Put It Under Public Control
A nationalized Amazon could be put to use in building a more equitable, democratic economy.
Katie Parker and Adam Simpson

Some on the Left Want To Nationalize Amazon. Breaking It Up Is a Safer Bet.
Antitrust action has worked in the past. We can use the same model against Amazon.
David Dayen

In 2008, Democratic Socialists Endorsed Him. Now, a DSA Member Is Primarying Him.
Backed by Brand New Congress, Anthony Clark is challenging Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.), in a sign of how far left politics have moved.
Salim Muwakkil

Life, Liberty and a Stable Climate: These Kids Are Arguing for a New Constitutional Right
After a June hearing, the youth suing the government await news on whether their case will proceed to trial.
Arun Gupta

This Louisiana Parish Allowed a Quarter of Its Sheriff’s Deputies To Work Security for a Pipeline
Water protectors say the swamp was swarming with uniformed police working for the company.
Karen Savage and Sarah Lazare