
Black Farmers Still Losing Ground
A new federal lawsuit settlement won't stem the decline in black land ownership, activists say.
Stephen Patterson
WikiLeaks: The TMZ of Global Politics
Susan J. Douglas
‘Old Times There Are Not Forgotten’
Urban prison farming and the difference between reform and revolution.
Lisa Yun Lee
Our Follower in Chief?
Why President Obama’s strange detachment from Afghanistan policymaking is a big problem.
Stephen R. Weissman
Notes from the Moral Underground
How and why Americans are subverting their economy.
Andrew Oxford
In Defense of the Public
We must not let the commons be privatized.
Eve Ewing
The Charade of Israeli-Palestinian Talks
Noam Chomsky
Let Them Drink Soda
Terry J. Allen
Chicago’s Other Community Organizer
Rep. Jan Schakowsky wants to solve the deficit crisis without soaking the lower- and middle-class.
David Moberg
Haiti News Start-Up Challenges Conventional Reconstruction Wisdom
Megan Tady
Debt Vultures Shot for Chanukah
Liberia is saved, but the predators are not done.
Greg Palast
Barbarism With A Human Face
Slavoj Žižek
Invasion of the Land Grabbers
U.S.-based multinational corporations are buying up massive chunks of Africa.
Joice Biazoto
To Deter Crime, Get Tough on Wall Street
David Sirota
Changing the Daley Routine
As a Chicago dynasty ends, progressives weigh their options.
David Moberg
Dear Dems: Pass Some Laws Before the Republicans Head Into Town
Michael Moore
Debating ‘The Change We Seek’
Joel Bleifuss
War News Unfit for Print
Wikileaks' Iraq War Logs revelations are clearer outside the United States.
Andrew Oxford
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